Name: George
Comments: Here is a copy of an e-mail I sent a "Conservative", supposedly God fearing friend of mine.
I can not speak for all as I am only one person. I will admit many ignore some of the issues pointed out in this e-mail.
You need to research more. Some churches do teach divorce is sin and eating dirty meat like lobster clams and pork is bad. Some churches even go back to the time before Noah and teach to stay away from meat. Keep in mind some teaching where to keep your body clean. Back in the day Pork and such was commonly infested with worms and still is a very fatty meat high in cholesterol.
As far as being a homosexual that is your choice as far as I look at it, as is murder. Choosing to live this way or that does not make it right it is just a choice. The bible does speak clear on sin do not do it. It also says do not hate the sinner just the sin and pray they see clear.
Since you chose your path enjoy your trip and I hope in the end it works out. I will keep you in my prayers till then. Maybe I am wrong and missed out of some fleshly fun. I am willing to take that risk and will not try to force you to and I am sure you will let me plunder across my road and do the same.
Far as slaves go well I do not think, treat your fellow man as you would your self, includes that so Americans you have nothing to fear from me.
Oh have you ever found a place where Jesus in the the new testament said being homosexual was not a sin?
Name: Brian
Title: Bible & Homosexuals
Comments: Most [..] Christians I have come across do not have a good grounding in how the issue of homosexuality fitted into the context of biblical times, Old or New Testament. Here are some resources for further study/thought:
A good source -- written by Rev. Dr. Mel White entitled, "What The Bible Says--and Doesn't Say--About Homosexuality."
Another good source:"Challenging Conventional Wisdom: How a conservative reading of the biblical references to homosexuality fail to support their traditional interpretation." Hope these will prove enlightening.