Fighting Smoking: Can One Drug Cure Addiction to Another
Health / Medicine Related News
Time.com - New studies suggest that Chantix, an FDA-approved anti-smoking drug, may encourage less drinking as well.
Source: Yahoo! News: Medications/Drugs News
FDA-approved Alzheimers Drug Could Help Smokers Quit
Science Related News
Clinical investigators are repurposing an FDA-approved Alzheimer's drug to test whether it helps smokers kick their habit. The research itself took a translational approach, which the researchers call bi-directional. In other words, the preclinical data informed the clinical study and vice versa.
Researchers warn of hazards of smoking and need for wider use of varenicline to quit
More than 35 million Americans are trying to quit smoking. Researchers reassure clinicians and their patients that varenicline, whose brand name is Chantix, is a safe and effective way to achieve smoking cessation and that failure to use this drug has caused preventable heart attacks and deaths from cardiovascular disease. Just a few months ago, the FDA removed the black box warning from varenicline. Ref. Source 7i.
Drug makers will of course tell you to go down this route because they have money to make from it but there are other methods that work without spending a dime over what you normally spend. It begins with a switch in lifestyle, exercise, eating healthy, not hanging around other smokers and most of all reassuring yourself that you can do it.
I've read negatives on using e-cigarettes too. The point I want to make is substituting one drug for another isn't the solution. Bad habits can be removed through mental stimulation rather than using a drug as a crutch. Some smokers even go on sweets, it isn't the best substitute but better than using drugs in my opinion.
Oh, I'm inclined to agree, but I'd make allowances if it is one step of a plan that ends the drug dependence entirely.