Jesse Jackson on Race Comments by New White House Press Secretary Tony
Snow: "An Attempt to Make the Quest for Racial Justice Illegitimate"
We get response from the Rev. Jesse Jackson about comments made by incoming White Press Secretary - former Fox News commentator Tony Snow. Last week, Snow said on his radio program, "People like Jesse Jackson who have committed themselves to a view that blacks are constantly victims have succeeded in creating...an underclass that doesn't seem to be going anywhere."
Ref. Source 7
I cannot believe these comments by Tony Snow. What a bloody lunatic. These comments are nothing short of racist. They are made by a bigot who has probably never met the "black underclass" and needs a history lesson.
I am absolutely disgusted this moron has been nominated to hold any duty in the White House. If there is one thing I cannot stand it is a racist rich white shock-jock who uses wedge politics to try and appeal to the red-neck bogans on this planet.
What is this world coming to when you get a radio shock-jock (he certainly isn't a journalist) from the least reputable news organisation in the US taking on the role of public mouth-piece for the President? And I thought Paul Wolfowitz being nominated to the World Bank and John Bolton being parachuted into the UN were abysmal decisions.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
This one is interesting and has me teetering on who is right. The reason for this is that Snow's statements aren't completely wrong. Jesse Jackson has turned into the most self serving civil rights activist in history. You can't tell a company that you either have to hire more black people or give a donation to his foundation. If getting jobs, equality, and representation is your goal, then don't give the option of giving a donation because they don't need donations, they need equality. Snow called him out on it and is being criticized. However, a man in his position should learn to use more tact. Listening to the rest of his statement sounds like he blames minorities for being minorities. He obviously has some very general stereo types regarding blacks and it does show. But then, giving such a high job to a news anchor is silly. Snow either neither well spoken enough, non-biased enough, nor intelligent enough to have the position in my opinion.
My anger at Snow's comments aren't directed towards his criticism of Jackson. The guy may well be self serving and counterproductive.
My criticism is that he is asserting that people like Jackson are the reason why there is an underclass of black people in the US. That is grossly offensive. The reasons for a black underclass in the US are pretty well known and I can promise you this "underclass" developed from slavery well before Jackson's time. Jackson isn't the reason why it still occurs and Snow knows that.
I don't see a problem with giving the press secretary role to someone with media experience because they are generally exceptional communicators. But to give the job to someone from the most rabid right-wing infotainment channel is ridiculous. Foxnews has no credibility whatsoever, especially within the media. I would have thought such an important role would require someone with that trait on their CV.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
Rev Jackson sorry for Obama jibe
US civil rights leader the Rev Jesse Jackson apologises for "crude" remarks about presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/a...cas/7498995.stm
Microphone Gaffes
The microphone can be a public figure's best friend or his worst enemy. The Rev. Jesse Jackson learned that the hard way. His disparaging remarks about Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday were picked up by a mic he thought was turned off. Jackson is just one in a long line of loose-lipped politicians who have gaffed before an open mic.
Ref. ABC Nightline
KNtoran said:
I wonder sometimes why people make comments when they know they have a mike on. Telling people you thought it was off when your whispering to someone else tells me that you did not think it was off. |
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 14 1.4%