Roland the Scholar

Roland Scholar - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 21st Nov, 2017 - 12:30am

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20th Nov, 2017 - 9:17pm / Post ID: #

Roland the Scholar

I am Called Roland the Scholar. My mother hoped that I would grow to be a man of strength and physical prowess like the great General, however, I grasped that there were other paths to power. An ox is a creature of mighty strength, but yet it is the most slavish of beasts. It is wit and knowledge that makes man the king of the world, and so I dedicated my time and power into mastering arts and philosophies, and even yet I still seek the scholar's path, hoping to expand my knowledge yet farther.

As I have not given my body the attention many others have, I have a slim form, tall, comely yet pale, but not that of the heroes of old legend who are known for their feats of martial prowess. My thick black hair is worn short and I have deep grey eyes that many compare to clouds over a stormy sea. I weigh 120 pounds and stand 5 feet and 5 inches in height.

My goals are to become the most learned and clever of the contenders for the throne, Well-placed assassins and spies and deception are far superior to any weapon or suit of armor, and a secret is far keener than any blade. Knowledge is also the key to magic, any plebian can wield a piece of metal or wood, but it takes a man of true power to wield a weapon that is truly mighty, making the elements and world itself bend to his desires, just as I intend to do.

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20th Nov, 2017 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

Scholar Roland

Advisor Description

You got the herbs, now Josef wants his lucre, I said to the Peasant woman, You promised him you would pay.

Good sir, the children have been ill and the plow has broken, The terrified plump woman begged, holding up her hands as if to ward off an incoming blow, I will pay more if you give me a reprieve.

I am not some Brigand, I stated with frustration, do not act like some amateur pugilist who has faced a stronger opponent and now cowers under the blows, no harm will come to you,

Im a mere scribe, I explained I simply copy records; I won't hurt you or anyone else,

The woman saw the lie. I indeed did not plan on hurting anyone, but my employer had other ideas if she didnt pay. She understood, and in moments the silver she owed was in my pocket for my master.

She retreated, looking much like a hen running from a fox, which indeed I considered myself. But I turned to see a tall main a green tunic of the finest quality standing behind me, his blond hair starting to fade away from his forehead and his blue eyes staring into me with interest.

I was going to call the watch, He said, even with that quill and pad you are an impressive sight.

I noticed that he picked his words as carefully as I did and also that he spoke with refinement and culture. He was a learned man and also a tactful one.

You say you were going to call the watch, I remarked, what has caused you to draw back from that?

I realized the peasant would not be hurt, He said, You did not even become brutish against her and yet she could not withstand you as you threatened.

He paused, I could use someone with tact and knowledge like you, come to my Estate, as a scribe, and speak to me, and I think we can help one another, me with my lucre and ye with thein wit and determination. I have asked those of the village of you and know you to be Roland the Scholar, I shall be Alandale to you.

He began to walk away, But my lucre also will allow me to dispose of you should you prove unfaithful.

I had no intention of betraying him as I continued to pursue knowledge and power. I had few allies and so keeping what I could get was the best strategy for now.

21st Nov, 2017 - 12:30am / Post ID: #

Roland the Scholar Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

Smooth complexion
A daisys innocence and a suns glory
A pair of eyes like sapphire pools
On a field of new-fallen snow.

Hair cascading
Like a waterfall in the sunsets light
A mouth, a bow,
A window of music, laughter, and beauty.

Teeth like pearls
Lips smooth and red
A rose in the snow
A lady of summer hair and beautiful winter face.

> TOPIC: Roland the Scholar


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