Anronrosby, in answer to your Emails and in the interest of gathering the necessary information let me help you out a bit:
I tried sending the following through the CBS contact page (CBS Interactive) but it would not go through but when you ask permission it should be in this format:
There are literally hundreds of fan sites out there all using some form of Trekkie stuff and I don't think CBS minds because all it does is make it more popular. The number one thing they don't want is as JB said, you can't be charging for nothing off of it but its always best to get permission cause no one can argue that.
Why not just run your game under FASA rules and leave out the "Star Trek" bit from your game until you get permission? Players will get the gist of the kind of game you're running correct?
That's a great idea Diamond Chief, simply leave out the words Startrek. But how far would I have to go? Keep the same races, but call them by a different name? Eg Vulcan rename Sefaran?
Create different planets and systems, other than Federation, Vulcan, or Romulus?
I suppose the starships should have different insignia, and numbering, maybe look a little different, have three nacelles, a different propulsion unit?
I personally don't want to charge anything as JB mentioned, as a Gamemaster either.
The FASA rule book, is an easy read, and is no longer in print. But I would only need 10% of it anyhow.
For example, we have seven core attributes, Strength, Endurance, Dexterity to name a few. Requiring 3D10 plus 40 and modifier's.
Skills are rolled with a percentile, and also subject to modifiers.
Hopefully, the embedded dice support could cover the character creation side of this.
In order to avoid copyright violations, you would have to strip out anything and everything that is arguably unique to star trek (Even in some instances if it isn't actually unique. You'd probably even have to avoid the term warp drive for instance, in spite of that being found elsewhere). Vulcans, planet names, ship design, etc. Pretty much everything except the core rules.
Frankly, you'd have to rebuild the universe from scratch, and I honestly doubt it would be worth the effort.
My suggestion? If permission cannot be obtained, find another Science Fiction game that doesn't have these issues.
I know for instance that the relatively new FFG Star Wars Role-playing Game was played on public channels in a number of different places. Meaning either permission is granted in advance, or can be obtained.
Edited: daishain on 26th Feb, 2018 - 3:00pm
Anronrosby- I thought you were done with this since you started this review since last year. Did you even contact them to get permission?
Daishain- nah, Star Wars is even more strict. Another guy tried to start one here and they asked and didn't get the permission. There is a long thread about it somewhere in the forums.
No I've only put the idea on the back-burner, definitely not done with the idea.
I have three reasons, firstly there is a plethora of Dungeons & Dragons play by post Role-playing Game, already, on this site. Which I'm already participating in two of them, possibly three soon? Yes, I'm currently enjoying them all.
Secondly, I've personally played the table-top version of Star Trek Role-playing Game by FASA, and quite enjoyed it. I've played the game as a Gamemaster and a player before.
Thirdly, I'm keen on the idea of starting up a science fiction based play by post game, in this forum. Because I like Startrek, Starwar's and science fiction. There is the copyright issue with Startrek and Starwars. Which unfortunately, make it problematic, but not impossible.
However, Daishain and Diamond Chief, you have both given me an idea for a possible solution here.
May take a bit of time, and the creativity may need to be put into overdrive.
I have the out of print, core rules which are used for game mechanics. So it is a matter of going through, the document and substituting everything and anything that is remotely connected to Star trek per se.
Is it worth it? Don't know at his stage, but will find out. This won't preclude me from participating in Dungeons & Dragons play by post by any means.