Hello! I saw a link on [..] and felt like checking it out, so I'm not, as of yet, sure what's this place like beyond what it says on the tin, nor what I'll end up doing here. Sign up for an Role-playing Game or two, hopefully, of which I favour various forms of structured fantasy (Not necessarily medieval style) games with no content restrictions.
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Are there any better subscription plans than 'a year, paid up front via paypal of all things'? My first impression of RoK is quite favourable, but the subscription set up is as repulsive as it gets, which is a big disappointment.
It is, though? [Not safe for work] content is restricted to premiums according to the in-game notification I got, meaning that it's at the very least required to keep playing my current character rather than restarting with a different background. In general, there's at least some restricted content about, and I can't rightly say how much I may or may not need it for getting the best possible experience out of the game without actually knowing what's in there.
Hi Tavarokk, "Repulsive" is a strong word for something that is optional, in any case this was explained here: ROK II Access. Further questions about ROK II can also be asked within that thread.
Don't misunderstand, it's not subscription (Which is optional) that's repulsive, it's the combination of having to use paypal and pay for at least a year at a time that is (And this does not appear to be optional for anyone who wishes to subscribe).
Although the posts you've linked seem to imply that the issue is moot, if it's truly only tangential bonus content rather than legitimate character job and path of advancement. Edited: Tavarokk on 24th Nov, 2017 - 9:41am
Tavarokk, I understand, however that is how that game and the site's donation system is established. You can always select other Role-playing Games within the community that do not require any upgrades.