Redirect Screens

Redirect Screens - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 20th Aug, 2018 - 9:22pm

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Discuss  Redirect Screens The page you see after saving a Post or "Liking" a Post, etc.
26th Nov, 2017 - 11:57am / Post ID: #

Redirect Screens

The Redirect Screens are the pages you see when you have made an action such as saving your Post and then it shows you some highlighted Topics with an option to continue (See example below). Previously there would be an automatic count down and then the page would load automatically, but this has been removed and replaced with a static button that you must press. This was done as the code did not work across all browsers as well as gives a chance for Mobile users to see the columns.

Redirect Screens
Redirect Screens (Hover)

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Post Date: 27th Nov, 2017 - 7:06am / Post ID: #

Redirect Screens
A Friend

Screens Redirect

Yes, I was seeing the countdown go into a loop after going to '1', and never moving past the redirect. I didn't bother worrying about it, as I've been in IT for decades and it wasn't a big deal. Thanks for the alternate! smile.gif.

27th Nov, 2017 - 1:37pm / Post ID: #

Redirect Screens Feedback & FAQ News Community

Thanks for fixing this as it was particularly annoying on my phone just staying on that screen waiting for the next page.

Post Date: 20th Aug, 2018 - 8:59pm / Post ID: #

Redirect Screens
A Friend

Screens Redirect

Something I've just noticed. Spelling error on the after-post page. "GKnightBC, Thanks for Contrinuting" It didn't catch my eye before, so I think it's a recent error.

20th Aug, 2018 - 9:22pm / Post ID: #

Screens Redirect

Thanks, that's fixed, and while I am here I will like to mention that everyone will now see all the columns in the redirect screens. Before, it only showed the set to the right of what is seen in large monitors, however now the left will also be shown.

> TOPIC: Redirect Screens


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