Small PA town removes nativity scene
It's time for the annual war on Christmas - a town in Pennsylvania has relented and removed an ever so offensive nativity scene from (gasp!) public property! All this after one, count em, one person complained and said they wanted the display taken down. Of course, the town caved and moved it somewhere else. Glenn reacts to the first big anti-Christmas story this year. Ref. Source 6
I find it sad that on public property and even is some big businesses one can not put anything up to celebrate the season because we all are afraid of offending someone. I think all this try-to-please-everyone-all-the-time, has come to be detrimental to everyone.
Yeah, I cant remember how many times I have been enraged by looking at a nativity display. One person's complaint weighs so heavily the plastic Christ Child is relegated to the compost heap, trash can or a warehouse never to see the light of day. We do this because we don't want to offend even one individual in the PC world.
I find this odd because my representatives over the last 2 years have continuously voted against what I and nearly 50% plus percentage of the public want...but yet...they arent concerned with offending me with those decisions. However, one person's delicate sensibilities need be catered to in this event.
That piece of platisic and its representation is truly offensive?
You may disagree with the church and Jesus's position in Christianity or relevance in religion in general, but are you truly offended by anything that he taught or stood for? I guess I have trouble understanding that...
We have a display depicting Eid al-Adha and you will have PETA jumping up and down about sacrificing goats. However, if the islamic community wanted to have a depiction on the public lawn, I doubt there would be anyone offended other than people going out of their way to get offended.
Mohammed doesnt offend me. Moses isn't offensive either, nor is Abraham. What does offend me is people using personal offenses to stiffle any of the joy in life for others. I am guessing they want us to pull the North Star down as well because it helped lead them there right? I am guessing that Christmas Carolers are domestic terrorists for those that are offended as well and they would be just in dealing with them harshly (maybe a warning shot on the first song and then shoot to kill for any more jubilation) should they try to spread that joy on their land? Edited: Vincenzo on 20th Dec, 2010 - 7:23am
Once again Vincenzo you have made a post that I totally agree with. I guess more of us should place calls to our public representatives complaining about the offensive sites that we see on public property. Such as that trash can that seems to be knocked over daily. It needs to go besides it smells.