University of Maryland
Reviews are needed for the educational institution known as University of Maryland?
If you have attended University of Maryland then please tell us what you consider to be the best courses offered at University of Maryland as well as the current fees.
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Data Breach At University Of Maryland Exposes 309000 Records
The records from staff, faculty and students date back to 1998 and include social security numbers, names and dates of birth.
What exactly is a hate crime? Why do we need another category of crime. A white student stabbed a black student. If this is true and the white student is convicted he should go to jail for a long time. Was it hate? My goodness, he stabbed him crying out loud, what is the difference. Put him jail whether hate was involved or not.
I've never agreed with hate crime legislation. Murder is murder. A hate crime is considering one crime worse than another due to solely what the motivation of the crime is. You are still allowed to think what you want in this country. Once you act upon it however then you should be charged for the crime you committed, not your motivations. I understand why they did this. It was to put more teeth into crimes targeting minorities primarily. I feel that it is misguided though.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd May, 2017 - 11:13pm