International Discussions Newsletter 6-7 December, 2017
There is lots going on in the month of December including Christmas, here are some of the highlights for which you need to be aware:
* Internet usage could be limited in the near future. Is the freedom to surf coming to an end? The current discussions that can affect YOU should be read in these Threads: Net Neutrality and Regulate The Internet. Individual ISPs can be looked up based on country. For instance: USA Internet Service Provider - ISP if you want to go into the specifics of your internet service based on your country or state.
* Starting up a Star Trek based Role-playing Game is in the works, but what is involved in using the name 'Star Trek'? You can see what JB researched on it: Here.
* Leave the ladies alone! A lot of celebrities and men of authority are being brought up for their improper behavior. Have you been a victim? Do you think we are going down the right road or will some be innocently shammed? Talk more on it: Sexual Harassment At The Workplace
* How 'expert' are you in matters of Dungeons & Dragons? There have been a number of Topics with relevant questions here: Board, Card, & RPG Reviews that you could probably answer. On that note, there may be a need for another Dungeons & Dragons 5e Dungeon Master, however those applying must fully agree to this: How To Be A Dungeon Master.
* A Christmas gift for you and us. If you have not tried it yet please consider becoming an Upgraded Member, your Donation helps us pay the cost of hosting, domains, and new features plus you get lots of access to hidden content, forum points and private messaging. See here: Compare Membership
International Discussions Newsletter 8-9 December, 2017
Hi Member,
Please have a look at: Pandora's Christmas Wish and see if you can help.
Community Administrator (Pandora).
International Discussions Newsletter 22-23 December, 2017
Hi Reader,
* Its a busy time of year with lots happening for Christmas, so before the big day comes we want to wish you all the best for the holidays and upcoming new year.
* Our Best Text Role-playing Game now has the addition of the Winterlands which puts a new twist on the Season. Take note that exploring this region is mostly for higher level Characters.
International Discussions Newsletter 29-30 December, 2017
* This is going to be our last Newsletter in 2017 as we prepare for a brand new year in 2018. We wanted to let you know about several things so you are up to speed with what is happening in the Community.
* We have plans for the Community in 2018 but we cannot do all at once. Here is your opportunity to voice what you will like us to focus on first: Community Goals 2018
* Some Members may be having browser cache issues where they see unexpected (The same) content while viewing the Community. We made some adjustments, please see if that helps you by looking here and giving feedback: Browser Cache & Content Troubles
* Brandon just listed a whole bunch of Review and Goal Threads either for the past year or your plans for 2018. You may want to look at those and tell us what you thought was the 'Best' for 2017. Here are some easy links: 2018 Goals, Predictions and Resolutions. Also, in most any Board there are now 'Best of… ' and 'Worst of… ' Topics for that particular Board so the past year can be reviewed. There are even some for those who like Role-playing Games. For example: Best Role-player 2017, Best Created Character 2017, Role-player Goals 2018, and Dungeon Master Goals 2018.