Are you a Peeper (just come to look and read the threads) or are you a Poster (actually write constructive messages when you visit)? Some users think that because they visit the forum often it means that they are active, but the best way to check is the participation icon in their posts, this indicates the percentage of their visits that actually results in posts. So what are you - peeper or poster?
I do a bit of both; sometimes I peep more than I post, other times I post more than I peep. I think it balances out in the end.
Since I normally participate mostly by responding to emails from topics and boards where I am subscribed, I get LOTS of individual, short sessions where I don't post. So, my percentage of participation might actually be low. Also, when the board changed, the criteria for full participation went from an average of 3 posts per day to 5 posts per day. I wasn't able to participate for some time then, and with the combined effects, my participation went from the high 80s and 90s to the 40s.
With all the time I have been here, it is hard to raise this percentage very much - so, my percentage isn't a very good indicator of how much I participate.
I'm more of a poster. Topics that don't seem to interest me I don't view. And topics I am I do
You can't really get true results with this poll, though- there are much more peepers than posters, only those won't actually take the time to answer the poll. Edited: Smudge on 30th Nov, 2004 - 5:09am