Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Page 4 of 4

Seeing the new Star Wars? Be careful what - Page 4 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 29th Dec, 2019 - 2:39pm

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  Star Wars Last Jedi
Post Date: 8th Jan, 2018 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A Friend

Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Page 4


I'm still very much torn about the movie. I found myself extremely entertained while watching the movie, which of course is really all that matters for most movies. On the other hand, because Star Wars was such a big deal to me as a child, I really care about the overall story and character arcs and thought they did not do Luke justice at all (Until the end at least), among some other complaints.

I think if I type this out it will be a novel, so I'm going to do a list that will be… a shorter novel, surely.

- Seeing Yoda. Makes sense that one of Luke's mentors would speak to him during such a time.
- Light speed jump through the enemy fleet. So cool! Loved the silence for a bit there to mimic real space, or at least a speed of sound vs speed of light delay if we're ignoring that we're in space.
- Link between Kylo and Rey, otherwise they'd never get to talk if not also swinging light sabers.
- Snoke's ploy, Snoke's dominance of Kylo and Rey, and then Kylo's trick to kill Snoke. Nice surprise.
- Rey and Kylo vs. Red royal guards. Awesome. Combine this with the above bullet for one of the better Star Wars scenes of all time.
- Luke at the end. I'll tell myself that once he realized the situation everyone else was in it was too late to travel there, so the only way to help was to make the ultimate sacrifice. The audience cheered when he survived all of the blasters and again when it was revealed he was meditating from afar. I cheered too! I liked how he looked at the sun(S?) for a moment in death, bringing him full circle from the beginning of EpIV. Also potentially one of the greatest Star Wars scenes ever if you can get over why he just wasn't there to help in person in the first place! (See below!)

Neutral / Willing to explain away in my head
- Problems with physics, tech, etc.
- Why they didn't light speed jump through all three previous Death Stars with the biggest ship they could. I think I just care way more about the characters and issues there than the physics, although some continuity in relative power is good.

- Luke: Luke was the hero of the first movies not because he was the most powerful or skilled with a lightsaber, but because he saw good in DARTH VADER and would not submit to the pull to the dark side by Vader and Palpatine. Now Luke is that close to killing a kid, his nephew, because he saw a little dark side in him? He's hiding on an island refusing to help his sister, Han, Chewy and the rest so he can pout? Total character assassination of Luke here. I hated it!
- Yoda calling down lightening. This is a major problem with defining Jedi powers. If the Jedi can do that and affect the material world so powerfully, why don't Obi Wan, Yoda, Qui Gon, Mace, Anakin and the gang just show up and take out any and all Dark Side users with such power?
- Rey is extremely powerful in the force with no training at all?
- Completely ignoring major plot points for the first moving, such as the Knights of Ren, why Kylo was so upset that 'a girl' had left Jaku, etc. Hopefully this will be addressed in the next movie.
- No background on Snoke at all? How Luke, Leah, Han, etc. Knew all about him?
- Poe having little effect on the plot, and Finn having none. Their whole side stories were rather pointless in the end. I guess we got a little bit of character development for them, but they were reduced to side characters in many ways. I suppose showing that not everything our heroes do is brilliant and will save the day is a bold choice, at least.
- Phasma, so underdeveloped and underused in both movies. The fight was far too brief, although that's probably only as long as Finn could last against her. Awesome character potential wasted here, unless she comes back.
- The comedy just seemed off at times. Luke tossing the saber? The resolution of the last movie's cliff hanger is turned into a laugh for the audience? If he had just dropped it and walked away it would have preserved the drama instead.
- The pacing and jumping between scenes seemed off.
- Leah surviving space and flying. After never seeing her use the physical aspects of the force, this was a BIG stretch. I wish they had done basically the same thing, but had her use the force to, I don't know, have a cable come to her for her to grab before she had been blown out of the bridge at all, maybe also saving Ackbar or Holdo with a force pull too. Flying through space outside the ship with little consequence was too Superman / Guardians of the Galaxy.
I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but that's more than enough for now!
- Hux reduced to a joke by Poe, Kylo, anyone who looks at him, etc. Tarkin he is not! Waste of a good actor, too.

Reconcile Edited: Cinder on 8th Jan, 2018 - 2:46pm

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Post Date: 8th Jan, 2018 - 4:56am / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A Friend

Jedi The Wars Star


Cinder saved me a lot of time. I agree with him on those issues and won't add more on them. We are set up for Episode 9 with no intimidating villain. Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. He is interesting but he has been matched or bested by Mary Sue Rey in both movies. There is no drama regarding how will they possibly defeat him. Snoke was powerful and intimidating. Too bad that he was killed off unceremoniously.

It was as if JJ Abrams made Episode 7 and had overarching plot ideas. Rian Johnson then came along with no concern with what he had set up. Now Abrams will have a fun time indeed trying to wrap up this trilogy with much of his work undone by another director.

Reconcile Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th Jan, 2018 - 4:57am

8th Jan, 2018 - 9:05am / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

There is some more in depth explanation on the way Luke Skywalker went out from the director: What Really Happened To Luke At The End Of 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'. I was also taken aback by Leah's use of the force to get back into the ship. I guess we all underestimate the power of the force and how much it makes supermen and superwomen of those who can use it.

8th Jan, 2018 - 2:50pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Jedi The Wars Star

What about Adam Driver as the bad guy? I think people are missing why his character is bad… its not that he is particularly ruthless in the same sense his former boss, Snoke, was… its the absence of emotion that makes him evil. He sees no value to life the same way we would as crushing an ant and not even knowing it. If Adam Driver did not have that hair style he would not make a believable bad guy as he has the face of a nerd. Sorry just being brutally honest, nothing against Adam Driver himself.

Post Date: 8th Jan, 2018 - 2:58pm / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A Friend

Jedi The Wars Star


Great minds, as usual Kyrroeth *smile*

Yes I had thought a good deal about both of your points as well. I get that we're probably witnessing Kylo's descent to fully embracing the dark side, but I don't find him to be that intimidating of a villain. Well, if you're one of the villagers from Force Awaken's opening scene, or the storm troopers that witness his outbursts he sure is. For the overall plot however he has already shown that he didn't pull the trigger on Leah and I doubt he would kill Rey as she is his only hope of having someone that understands him. I do really like the Kylo character and Adam Driver's portrayal, I'm just not sure he fits the role of really the ONLY bad guy to be afraid of now. We've reduced Hux to a joke and Phasma is potentially dead. I did feel that Vader lost much of his intimidation factor in Return of the Jedi, too, having nice little elevator chats with his son and all, but at least we had the Emperor to truly fear right until the end.

Your other point was also very good. I've never understood writing a long story, especially a trilogy, without an outline/plan first! Granted I am not at all educated as a writer, but don't you need to know where your story is going to plant the proper seeds at the beginning and have it be coherent throughout? It's scary when JJ Abrams is, to me, the good guy in this scenario considering he was a major influence on Lost! I really don't understand changing directors in things such as this. I can't imagine Lord of the Rings with different directors with different visions being allowed to rewrite the story for each movie, the Dark Knight trilogy without Nolan for the middle movie!

30th Jan, 2018 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

All quirks aside this was a great movie. If you're a serious Star Wars fan like I am you can only love the direction the whole franchise is going. We are in 2018 not the 80s anymore.

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Post Date: 30th Jan, 2018 - 3:37pm / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A Friend

Star Wars The Jedi - Page 4

Ork, there are many true Star Wars fans that have issues with The Last Jedi and the direction Star
Wars is going. We have no idea where it is going for one thing. It took a sharp detour from The Force Awakens to the Last Jedi. The last I saw only around 50% of audiences that saw TLJ liked it. That is more than just a few unhappy people. That is down there in the stellar company of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2019 - 2:39pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Star Wars The Jedi Comic / Anime PBP RPGs & Reviews - Page 4

Seeing the new Star Wars? Be careful what you wish for. How much you enjoy the new Star Wars movie will depend a lot on your expectations going in, a new study suggests. Researchers surveyed 441 people before and after they saw the last episode in the popular franchise, Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi, released in 2017. They wanted to see how audiences' expectations affected their actual enjoyment of the movie. Source 1z.

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