George, The Trini Abroad With Plenty To Say
I have addressed George before, a Trinidadian that writes from abroad concerning the crime related issues in Trinidad and Tobago, about how our sites work but he seems to have a short memory. Therefore, I now have to take time to create a Thread and address it as he keeps sending in these demanding Emails as though we owe him something or that we are trying to help one political side over the other.
1. First and foremost, TTCrime.com and BordeGlobal.com have NO affiliation with any political entity or group. These sites have been around for many years long before most Trinis knew what the internet was.
2. We do not get funding for doing this… these sites are freely given and provided through my own skill set as a web developer. No Trinis help pay or have EVER help pay for the maintenance of these sites including yourself, George from the UK.
3. Therefore, as an Autism Parent with a very busy schedule in trying to take care of children that the Trinidad government is unwilling to provide public education for I am not going to run and update stats for crime or immediately Post your comments as though you are paying me a salary. In fact, you behave like many of the Trinis here… they see something, comment on it and that is it - they have no idea how it works, what is behind it or the sacrifices that it takes to make it happen because they only see their own little world and cannot look at the specifics or do some research or ask an appropriate question.
With all that said, take the time to think before you comment. Come with source information and not merely your own point of view from thousands of miles away. Your opinion is just that - your opinion. Do not try to spew it all around as if it were fact or insist that it be taken as such. You want to comment on an issue, fine - but quote with page number or link where you are getting your information. We have the right to edit and protect our site, the same for which neither you or anyone else has helped to pay for… we are not going to publish the same words over and over, cover racial antics or make insinuating remarks without facts with source material. Build on your argument rather than repeat it.
Lastly, we are grateful for comments and input given from concerned parties about the injustice experienced here, but it must be done in a constructive way and with an understanding that this service is being provided for free - we owe you nothing.
Name: George
Title: Plenty to say
Comments: Yes you are correct, I have plenty to say and will of course keep repeating some aspects of my experiences and thoughts.This is not at all a rare condition from Trinidadians as I have read over the last 25 years of many similar comments in the local press being repeated from time to time.
The reasons for me being repeatable, is the fact that those in authority here pay no attention whatsoever to ideas or suggestions submitted by citizens to the press or this website.
I am however hoping, that some of my points and observations on wrong doings on this island will stick in the minds of some important official of this nation and may bother their conscience then may nudge them into doing something positive to right some wrong doings .
As for precisely pointing fingers at which organisation is backing one side or the other this is something very difficult to do on this island.
We have too many crafty players at the political game here to be correct on any assumptions made by citizens or organisations here, and that also applies to myself.
I am however, pleased to see that someone has taken some interest in finding out my place of abode and this at least give me a clue that my comments are not simple thrown into the bin,or just publish as a habit, but has at least raised the eyebrows of someone of responsibility and status.
Please do remember that although I may be thousand of miles away I am still a citizens of Trinidad and I have the right to comment on matters that affect other citizens of this nation, despite the fact that I may not be always see things from the point of view of others. I do not lay down and hard or fast rules.
The local press or other organisation are free to ignore any of my letters or comments and refrain from not publishing them, if in their eyes they appear to be offensive.
Having said all the above I must also mention that I have taken notice of your criticism with regards to constructiveness etc, and will in future pay more attention to my composition of comments before submitting them. Finally I must thank you for publishing most of my comments which I realise do not always meet with your approval. I am however grateful for the privilege of seeing my ideas,suggestions, observations and inner thoughts on reports on especially of what is happening in Trinidad with regards to our politics and crime scenario being published on your website.
Source: Personal observations.
Name: George
Title: Plenty to say
Comments: Now, now, you are picking holes in my response,whilst trying to justify your earlier criticism and beginning to get nasty, which is really uncalled for .The fact that you have a website suggest that you are open to response from internet users to your published article by all and sundry. One has to repeat their past comment in order that the readers at the other end get the message which is clearly evident in this case. It is rather strange that you choose this particular time to more or less offer severe criticism despite the fact that I have been contributing to this website in the same mode for sometime now.
Perhaps I have now thread on the toes of a big fish in your set up The clear impression given is that you are on the payroll of someone pulling your strings.
Finally in view of your obvious disgust with my earlier comment today, and the late failure to publish it until I lodged a complaint I am now withdrawing any future written contributions to your website, which I am sure will please your face less leader. Please have a good day. Bye
Source: Personal observations.
Getting nasty? Again, a typical Trini… cannot take being told that you need to conform to rules / policies because you can't just do what you want anywhere you want. That is how the criminals here behave… they do what they want and feel they should not be caught by police nor sent to jail.
I am addressing your comments in full force today because I tire of your obnoxious rants as though you have claim or paying us a salary to ensure whatever you submit must be published in a time with which you feel comfortable.
Look at this most ridiculous statement:
Now that's weird. That George guy is believing that this site is pro UNC or pro PNM? I guess he hasn't checked it out properly otherwise he would of seen all sides are covered. I've been here for years and this site is actually one of the very very few sites about Trinidad and Tobago that you can get unbiased input presented in a thought provoking way so to come and say someone is paying JB to post or not post an opinion is a joke.
Indianchick, that's not even the half of it. He has sent in submissions accusing us of being on Jack Warner's payroll, or working for the PNM when we would not post unproven allegations (Just opinions) that he makes about things before the courts. Before the PNM came to power he accused us of covering for the UNC so he cannot seem to make up his mind who is 'telling us what to do' with his entries. Then a lot of his submissions are very racist claiming that the cause of crime is due to a certain part of the population. These kinds of nonconstructive statements he wants us to publish here as is and in a time that is on par with his imaginative salary he is giving to us.
Name: Ashton
Title: Crime/Trinidad
Comments: Your response to "George" is most appropriate. He/She writes a lot, condemns a lot and proposes solutions (At times) that are irrelevant to the situations. I am sure that he/she is in his/her own way trying to be heard and be constructive. I applaud you for your service. You are right - we are all critics - particularly when we view things from a distant.