Trinidad & Tobago Rich & Wealthy
Is the subject of the Rich & Wealthy in Trinidad & Tobago taboo?
What are the statistics? How many are considered to be Rich & Wealthy in Trinidad & Tobago?
If you mentioned to a local that you are Affluent in Trinidad & Tobago will that lead to ridicule or admiration?
How do the Trinidad & Tobago Rich & Wealthy normally display their wealth?
Trinidad and Tobago was recently featured in a documentary Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown - Trinidad & Tobago in which one man of the wealthy class said that they were the most powerful 1% of the country's racial class. This did not go over well with other races in the country so yes, the topic is very taboo.
There are quite a number of wealthy people here, how they amassed their wealth is questionable but this does not mean everyone wealthy got there by unscrupulous means.
Those that are wealthy have the typical things you would expect someone wealthy to have: large home, boat, fancy cars, etc. Mind you there are wealthy people who are smart enough to keep a low profile because of the crime situation, so while they can drive a Porsche if they wanted they choose to drive a regular brand.
According to this website these are the: Top 10 Richest People In Trinidad and Tobago In 2017.