Valley Fever
What exactly is Valley Fever and what are the symptoms? Is there a cure for Valley Fever?
Origins, spread of potentially deadly Valley Fever tracked
Scientists have tracked the likely origins and dispersal of the fungus that causes Valley Fever. In a story that spans 2 million years and includes the effects of glaciation and the pre-historic movements of animal hosts, the study sets the stage for tracking future outbreaks of this potentially deadly dust-bound disease as it spreads across arid regions of North and South America. Ref. Source 2e.
Valley fever cases see major spike in November, experts say. An uptick in reported cases of Valley fever indicates a likely sharp increase in infections next year. At the same time, federal clearance for a rapid assay test developed with assistance from the University of Arizona should help reduce delays in diagnosing the respiratory fungal disease caused by spores found in area soils. Source 6w.