Fulfillment Through Fitness: How Exercise Effects The Brain
To the untrained couch potato exercise is another word for self-torture. It's a task, something to be dreaded, hated, avoided at all costs. On his commute to work in the morning the couch potato sees the bright faced, starry eyed early-morning risers out for their morning jog and he thinks to himself how crazy they must be. The avid exerciser has stumbled upon a secret that only the fellow initiated know...
Source: Health-and-Fitness:Exercise
Believe it or not: Exercise does more good if you believe it will
People benefit more from exercise when they believe it will have a positive effect, new research indicates. A psychologist and his team have conducted a study demonstrating that test subjects derive more psychological as well as neurophysiological benefits from exercise if they already have positive mindsets about sports. Moreover, the team provided evidence that test subjects can be positively or negatively influenced in this regard before engaging in the exercise. Ref. Source 7i.
Use it or lose it: Stopping exercise decreases brain blood flow
Researchers examined cerebral blood flow in master athletes (Ages 50-80 years) before and after a 10-day period during which they stopped all exercise. Using MRI brain imaging techniques, they found a significant decrease in blood flow to several brain regions important for cognitive health, including the hippocampus, after they stopped their exercise routines. Ref. Source 8p.
Exercise may help ward off memory decline
Exercise may be associated with a small benefit for elderly people who already have memory and thinking problems, according to new research. The research involved people with vascular cognitive impairment, which is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease. In vascular cognitive impairment, problems with memory and thinking skills result from damage to large and small blood vessels in the brain. Ref. Source 7j.
Exercise helps you with not only physically but mentally as well. It can be a great way to release stress and toxins that may harm your mind in the future, however getting the determination to get down to it may be a challenge to some people.