Myrrexx the Paladin

Myrrexx Paladin - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 14th Jan, 2018 - 4:28pm

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1st Jan, 2018 - 6:46pm / Post ID: #

Myrrexx the Paladin

I am Myrrexx D'Sylvia, faithful servant of my God. In my dreams, I have been Myrrexx before on countless worlds and in countless situations. Riding horses fighting barbarians to firing light from a hand contraption in a metal box with metal doors. This is only another instance. What is reality? Here I have no sister, but In my dreams Lorraine is with me. Or is that somewhere else? Time to wake up.

Although my father was away most of the time, his influence on me was severe. I was always thinking about joining his army and fighting by his side. Weekly, then daily practice at the barracks had a hand in strengthening my body and fighting spirit. On the flip side, my mother was always dragging me to church. After actually listening to what the priests were saying, I understood that my fighting spirit also needed to be grounded in understanding. Swordplay during the day and reading the good word at night. An eye for an eye and all that.

I stand six foot two, a beanpole of a not quite man. Brown hair and my mother's green eyes. I sit here writing this to myself but hoping others will read it after I fall. After my mother's death, the church helped with my sorrow. Brother Teft, bless his soul, comforted me best he could. He also introduced me to the temple's fighting order. To best serve both my parent's memories, I pledged myself to the church and to all that pertained. I'm no expert on God and his ways, but the first time He allowed me to heal during a practice was awe inspiring. Once I was able to cast simple spells, the Bishop granted me the title Paladin Protem. Apparently the order is short on Paladins.

The order has allowed me the opportunity to learn and see God's influence in the world. My goal is to earn the title Paladin, not just hold a title on paper, so with this in mind, I plan to raise my fighting ability, call on guidance from my God and smite my God's enemies where I find them. I'm guessing I'll need to eat as well and earn the money for armor and such, so we'll see what come available and take any opportunity that presents itself.

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1st Jan, 2018 - 7:54pm / Post ID: #

Paladin Myrrexx

Advisor Description

Teft the priest, humble servant of God is a humble man of sort. He tended his flock at the Barracks town where he was the confidant of Myrrexx's parents. After Myrrexx's mother died, Teft completed the burial rites and had a problem on his hands; Myrrexx. Well, not a problem as much, but he believed he needed to help the boy overcome and move on after both his parents deaths. He consoled and counseled Myrrexx and had a brilliant idea. He took Myrrexx to the Bishop and recommend that Myrrexx be added to the order's fighting arm. The boy took to it like a duck to water, even calling forth divine power to heal after a very short time. The Bishop was also impressed but had misgivings to sending such a young man out into the world alone. Against Teft's objections, the Bishop asked Teft to poke along after the boy and see if doesn't fall from the path of righteousness.

2nd Jan, 2018 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Myrrexx the Paladin Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Most beautiful lady of Myrrexx

She was reading under a tree by the afternoon light. Her light brown hair falling over her right shoulder. She pushes it away from the pages and looks up with her green bespectacled eyes and smiles at me lighting up her round face. Putting aside the book, her small frame stands and she gives me a tight hug. Her breasts press into my middle and her head rests against my chest. Smells intoxicate me as I stand there breathing in her comfort and love. We are one.

7th Jan, 2018 - 6:53pm / Post ID: #

Paladin Myrrexx

Message to Advisor


Boring! The rats are like ROUSs and I died. So I tried to take on the gang leader and got handed my backside. Then while I was learning the town, looks like I paged back when I should have gone straight to town trying a redo on death and it gave me a third death so I'm currently working toward the 45GP needed to cleanse my soul.

However, not all is lost. I almost have the gold I need, and a nice lady told me a way to get more through her FPs? Whatever that is… so after another night of rest, I'll cleanse my soul and be off out of town to earn my fortune.

Myrrexx the bored of mucking out the stables.

8th Jan, 2018 - 2:54am / Post ID: #

Paladin Myrrexx

Reflections on your mother

The Dream Whisperer told me in my dreams to write in a book a wise man gives me these words: "Reflections on your mother" I know not what this means but as always, I try to be diligent in my actions for my Body, Mind, and Soul.

14th Jan, 2018 - 4:28pm / Post ID: #

Myrrexx the Paladin

Why Am I Myrrexx?

My ramblings on the subject of Law: The undoing of evil in all things. It is order to Evil's chaos. Yet, Law is not steel and stone. I understand that any bending of a law should be accountable on a case by case basis. Self defense does not break the law of murder. That is why good men are appointed judges, God is also and the final judge. All we can do is keep His laws the best way we know how.

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