Miko the Charmer

Miko Charmer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 29th Apr, 2018 - 2:23pm

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ROK II Text RPG Character 478
Post Date: 29th Apr, 2018 - 2:23pm / Post ID: #

Miko the Charmer
A Friend

Miko the Charmer

My name is Miko. My name was given to me by my late mother, I was named after her. I am an average woman, 5'5 feet tall with a lean column build and big, light brown eyes. My hair is a dark blonde color and reaches just past my shoulders. I have white skin and with my plain appearance I don't stand out all that much. I generally see myself as someone who follows druids, as I enjoy their wise outlook. I wish to become known all across the world and meet many different types of people. To achieve my goal, I tend to trust more easily, thinking that whatever I do to others will circle back to me one day. I love making alliances with others, but my overly trusting nature tends to get me in a lot of trouble. It should be known that I believe in peace over violence and will avoid any confrontation in that nature, only fighting as a last ditch measure. Now, I will start this path towards adventure.

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