Creativity, intermedial languages as bridge to communicate with autistic children
This pioneering research using drama with autistic children started with an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project 'Imagining Autism: Drama, Performance and Intermediality as Interventions for Autistic Spectrum Conditions' (2011-2014) working in special schools and has now extended to working with families Ref. Source 4d.
Adults with autism overcome childhood language challenges
Results of a small study of adults with autism has added to evidence that their brains can learn to compensate for some language comprehension challenges that are a hallmark of the disorder in children. Ref. Source 2j.
Being bilingual may help autistic children. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) often have a hard time switching gears from one task to another. But being bilingual may actually make it a bit easier for them to do so, according to a new study. Source 9a.