Pregnant Woman's Mediterranean Diet
Med diet 'cuts baby asthma risk'
Pregnant women who eat a Mediterranean diet may help protect their babies from asthma and other allergies.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7186728.stm
That's very interesting research results!
I wasn't too surprised that England has one of the highest rates of childhood asthma worldwide-- it's a very damp country!
I think also that Dr's here are recognizing it much earlier on too. At one time you wouldn't get a diagnosis under the age of 3, but now there are many babies having been diagnosed.
This I'm sure must have played a strong part in all the results.
Mediterranean diet may help women receiving IVF to achieve successful pregnancies. New research has found that women who follow a 'Mediterranean' diet in the six months before assisted reproductive treatment have a significantly better chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a live baby than women who did not. Source 7r.