I am Althalus, a descendant of the High Elves of the Elven Kingdom Garvan. Not as tall as most Elves I still have the elegant features, dark hair and golden eyes associated with my race. A warrior as well as a sorcerer/mage (I care little for human titles) of some note. I come to this town seeking allies and some funding for an adventure with which I can acquire the kind of reputation that I can use to build a following in order to fulfil my destiny of becoming Ruler of Kings.
Advisor Description
Today I was approached by a fellow Lady of notably breeding. She explained to me that she had been looking out for me as she believed in my quest to become Ruler of Kings, feeling as I do that it is about time a woman ran things.
I feel that she and I are going to be great allies in the days and years to come although I fear that she thinks me to young at this time to, yet be any use to her and her plans.
Reflections on your mother
My mother, a kind of women, sweet in nature, a healer at heart. I do not know how she came to marry a warrior like my father and sometimes I do wish that I had taken after her more than my father.
The one thing though that I have always wished to ask but never did was ask her why she named me as she did even though I was not the son my father was expecting. You see because of her choice I wear the name of another, a brother never born.
Ah, pasts, such complex things, so many questions about her past I never thought to ask yet now regret not knowing the answers to…