Name: Drake
Comments: How is weaponless combat handled in Dungeons & Dragons in the case of:
Player is weaponless but creature isn't.
Both player and creatures are weaponless.
Can a player with no weapon kill a creature without a weapon? Let's leave the martial fighters out of it.
In 3.5 edition, attacking without a weapon actually provokes an attack of opportunity. Exceptions exist if you have the Improved Unarmed Attack feat (Which monks receive), or if it's a natural weapon (Bite, claw, tail, etc.). Assuming the creature has a conventional or natural weapon, it will get so many more attacks against the unarmed player. So, if the other stats (HP, AC) are high enough, the player may survive.
In 5th edition, I don't believe unarmed strikes provoke.
It varies depending on which edition of Dungeons & Dragons you speak of, but generally speaking, yes unarmed combat can be done, including against armed opponents, and the strikes can be lethal. But almost only the Monk class. And creatures with natural weapons can do it well.
So why I have a weapon if you can do a lethal strike? Is it like damage or one blow knock down?
In most cases, weapons deal more damage than unarmed strikes (Monks typically make up for this by hitting more often and stunning enemies with their fists.) Also, many weapons have other useful properties. A dagger can be thrown, most polearms can strike from a significant distance, etc.