Running actually lowers inflammation in knee joints
We all know that running causes a bit of inflammation and soreness, and that's just the price you pay for cardiovascular health. You know; no pain, no gain. Well, maybe not. New research from exercise science professors finds that pro-inflammatory molecules actually go down in the knee joint after running. Ref. Source 7q.
You never know what to believe with these studies. One says don't do it then the other says to do it, personally I follow my own feeling. If its sore it likely needs rest if its painful then you need treatment, don't run on it.
Is knee pain linked to depression? According to researchers, knee osteoarthritis affects some 55 percent of people over age 40 in Japan. A research team recently published a study examining the effects of knee pain on depression since, until now, few studies have focused on how knee pain and impaired knee function relate to depression. Source 7u.