The most powerful computer can learn, evolve and grow. The speed at which it can render vast images or create vibrant sound cannot be beaten.
The most elaborate and complex creations are stored in these computers all over the world. There is no need to burn fossil fuels to run them.
I have always loved books, they reveal worlds hidden from ours. They contain characters we love. I always loved choose your own adventure story's and IF has always fascinated me. I have delved deeper into the world of IF and found ROK 2. This place sounds amazing, a meeting of the most powerful computers all in one place. Very exciting.
Welcome to Ruler of Kings 2(ROK II)
Another warrior is in our midst? Ye have instinctively joined the best Text Role-playing Game ever! To begin thy adventure seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game Start.
If ye be needing additional Role-playing Games with which to broaden thy reach then thou mayest read: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? where thou mayest play Dungeons & Dragons with other Players.
If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy Introduction.