Do you shape your eyebrows? Some people have such bushy eyebrows that you cannot tell the difference between that and the hair on their head. Shaping your eyebrows can make you look distinguished, sexy or classy, but it all depends on how it is done. Some choose to take their eyebrows off completely and draw one with a pencil... that is one thing I never understood. There are some people that even tattoo their eyebrows so they never have to put on makeup again! What about men shaping their eyebrows?
When I was in high school, it was the "in" thing to pluck or even shave the eyebrows completely and draw them on -- some girls in certain "gangs" would even draw them so exaggerated it was comical, but they thought it was cool. I never went so far as to pluck them entirely, but my brows are very thin even now because I couldn't stand to let them grow in again.
I could see a man thinning his brows, or plucking the wiry ones, but not to shape them like a woman's. Ew.