Ex-addict is hoping to save a few young lives
A former honor student at Orem High School, MacKenzie was 17 when a friend convinced him to try heroin for $5. The teen was already hooked on painkillers, using them to "escape from the stress of arguments with my parents or girlfriend," he says.
Ref. Source 8
I think it is great when people who where not hardcore thugs step up and talk about why and how they got hooked on booze or drugs. Especially if they are still younger in age. many forget the A student sometimes is more stressed out and is more open to getting addicted to recreational drug or alcohol.
This really is a big problem in Utah. My twin stepsons got hooked on OxyContin and then turned to heroin. They were stealing from their grandmother to support their habit. They were able to get clean through rehab. But we just hold our breath waiting to hear that they have relapsed. I hope they don't. They have so much potential and lost a lot from their addiction. Once the trust is lost it is hard to regain it. We thought about bringing them up to Alaska to get them away from their friends, but Alaska has a problem too and a major Meth population. And I would not trust either of them to be alone in my house. Hopefully some day.
I am glad the young man in the article was able to straighten out his life, I hope he succeeds. He can do a lot of good, hopefully, young people will listen to him and not fall into the trap. Addiction is a lifelong problem. Those cravings will always be there on some level. An addict has to fight it one day at a time for the rest of their life.
Edited: alskann on 25th Aug, 2008 - 2:14am