Consider this - Gaza is a separately governed, separately policed area, that is completely under the management of Hamas and it's agents. Israel has no responsibility to anyone in that area, and none of the people who live there are Israeli citizens. It is basically a country unto itself with it's own imports (Freebies from Israel and the world), exports and such. What country, anywhere in the world, would allow another country's population to invade it with the sole purpose of killing it's citizens? Answer - none. When Israel pulled back from managing the Gaza strip,it took all it's citizens with them, even when these citizen had to leave multi-million dollar business and homes behind. This was done as a way to try and promote peace, giving all management to the Palestinian Authourity. Promptly afterwards, dozens of terrorist attacks and suicide bombers marched out from Gaza, murdering innocents in wave after wave of attacks. Israel then put up a barrier to stop the uncontrolled army of terror, reducing the bombings and murder extremely. Since that time, there have been a non-stop media assault, claiming "Largest open-air prison!" and "Highest population density in the world!" and other easily disprovable lies, but lies that play well in the popular views. Add to that these 'peaceful' demonstrations, where Hamas-inspired and/or backed forces attempt to kill, burn, rape or destroy everything in their path. This is not a 'demonstration', this is a deliberately under-equipped army attempting to invade another country! Under-equipped in order to play into the media spin of the poor, downtrodden Palestinians, but Molotovs still burn, sling-propelled rocks still kill, and even the odd rifle or two are used in these 'peaceful demonstrations'. Not only that, but these morons are bringing children in this combat zone on purpose, so that they can claim the tears of the ignorant when these children get hurt or killed. Human shields, at the root.