All I can say is the movie was pretty good and it did a good job of bringing everything together. Some of the things that did not make sense is the ending. I will not spoil the ending here for now however. All I can say is go see it if you like action and superheros. There is a lot of stuff wrong in the movie but it was entertaining. I will rate this movie as four stars.
I liked this movie: there was action throughout, it tied in other stories from other movies and it did not have that happy go lucky feeling at the end which made it more realistic.
* Spoilers *
I believe the ending was purposely to introduce multiple universes. Marvel is big on seeing what it might be like for super heroes if there was another universe and this gives a reason for it. I might add that if you look at this technically the whole reason the Avenger's lost was because of Star Lord (Peter Quill) and his insistence on knowing what happened with his lover rather than assisting to get the gauntlet off of Thanos. .
Since my last post I saw it. First beef is not having Spiderman on the poster. He plays a significant enough role that he should be there yet they left him out.
For the Spoilers:
I think the ending is the best. Its the introduction of Captain Marvel finally and it opens up another possible version for all the stories surround each character giving an opening for more movies than ever before.
Well if you are right about that it makes a good intro for the upcoming Spider-verse so that could be the money making excuse.
On another note I think Dr. Strange was very under played and seemed to be ignorant as to what to do. Why didn't he use his sling ring to get everyone to safety or pull the gauntlet off?
What I disliked about the ending is the fact that Starlord was half celestial and therefore he would not be subject to the half of humanity being gone. He would be like Thor. Dr Strange was well underplayed and the way it all came together was almost comical. It was a good movie and full of action but some things just made no sense.