I am sure at school you have studied the major breakouts of Yellow Fever in France and South America. In the 1800's Napoleon's troops were infected and half of his troops died. It is transmitted from Mosquitoes and then from person-to person. It is interesting that 200,000 illnesses and 30,000 deaths every year are occurring in some populations that do not have a vaccine.
Yellow fever epidemic: New global health emergency?
Evidence is mounting that the current outbreak of yellow fever is becoming the latest global health emergency, say two experts who call on the World Health Organization to convene an emergency committee under the International Health Regulations. In addition, with frequent emerging epidemics, they call for the creation of a 'standing emergency committee' to be prepared for future health emergencies. Ref. Source 8p.
Yellow fever epidemic threatens to spread from Angola to China
The spread of yellow fever is a global health threat. In response to current outbreaks in Angola, other African countries, and China, WHO convened an emergency committee on May 19, 2016 to underscore the severity of the outbreak. Infectious disease authorities from South Africa and Singapore explain the epidemiology and ecology of YF and discuss the factors that can increase and decrease the likelihood of progression from outbreak to epidemic. Ref. Source 7o.