Is playing Dungeons & Dragons safe for children to play? If it is, why do some parents forbid their children from paying Dungeons & Dragons ?
It is as kid friendly, or not, as those involved make it to be.
There are games that are blood soaked horror pieces featuring rape and worse, and there are games that hold nothing objectionable for kids at all. Most games fall somewhere in between, and are probably the equivalent of a Pg or Pg13 film.
I think parents who do not consider letting their kids play are doing those kids a considerable disservice. It is a fantastic thing, one that encourages imagination, critical thinking, and social skills.
I think most who do so either misunderstand the game, and/or are the type to think that roleplay is foolish nonsense that has no place in their children's lives. Edited: daishain on 30th Apr, 2018 - 12:41am
I like what Daishain said and agree with that. The game's theme has to be made kid friendly and probably a lot of the rules might need to be simplified depending on the age but the general story will need to be more than just killing. Edited: Krusten on 30th Apr, 2018 - 5:20pm