Arslan the King

Arslan King - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 9th May, 2018 - 12:04pm

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Post Date: 9th May, 2018 - 12:59am / Post ID: #

Arslan the King
A Friend

Arslan the King

I am Arslan and I was given this name because of a legend called Arslan Senki it is about a Young Prince who was known as a benevolent and kind Prince who would care for others and value their lives over his own and who would become a great King of Pars. I stand 160 cm tall with a muscular body. I have silver hair and big blue eyes. My white skin and a comely appearance in general makes me unique. I see myself as one who follows Knights. I want to become the Ruler of Kings and build a mighty kingdom based on justice and honor and law by first starting a trade anywhere or doing bodyguard. I generally view alliances as a good idea strategically. I intend to treat people with kindness and care for them and value their lives over my own and protecting the weak and making alliances and friends who would watch my back as I watch there's while trying to achieve my ambition in the process in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that yes I am a benevolent and kind man but that doesn't mean I am nave I intend do to whatever it takes to protect my friends, family and my people and I won't let anything bad happen to them if it has dangers on my life than on them. Thus, I now start this path towards [life/adventure/quest/victory].

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Post Date: 9th May, 2018 - 11:28am / Post ID: #

Arslan the King
A Friend

King Arslan

Advisor Description

We met at the local tavern of the town it was rather an awkward meeting than of cordial or fearful one I learned from him that my parents assigned him to secretly watch over me.
At first I felt anxious about him but later I found that he has sensible fortitude, unbreakable loyalty, and his respectable and spartan conduct. He carries himself with a honest and straightforward temper; at times, he might be unable to keep himself in check but Daryun usually there to support me with soft words of mental encouragement.
Daryun appreciate my kindness and how merciful I am as he keeps serving.
Daryun believe I will be a great ruler of kings in the future.

Post Date: 9th May, 2018 - 12:04pm / Post ID: #

Arslan the King
A Friend

Arslan the King Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

I saw a moving full moon over the sea
Then I saw the face of a maiden I stopped and said "Moon is fair"
But the sweet magic of her face is fairer far, which attracted my eyes
Captured my heart and won my soul.

> TOPIC: Arslan the King


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