The author of a devotional I read seems to think that there's a connection between religion and mental health. I'm a Christian and I battle with clinical depression. I've heard that I should just study God's word more often, pray, and have enough discipline to block the negative thoughts when they come. I'm not trying to down religious wisdom, but I want to know if anyone has any practical advice to help me kick depression's butt. I take medicine for it, and I see a therapist every few months, but I still feel like I'm under a cloud. Maybe this should have been placed in the psychology area, but I was wondering what other Christians think. Lord bless.
While it is good to listen to God's word you also have to take care of yourself along the way. If your mission is to fight depression and have God help you out you must put the effort while you do so. There was a phrase in James 2:14-26 (NKJV):