Which video game have you played that made you so addicted that you got in trouble with real life situations (Work, school, etc.)?
I don't really think that it was any one game that got me addicted to video and computer gaming, but rather it was just the stories that the games told and all of the things you could do in video and computer games. That's actually why lots of us as blind people, especially me love video and computer games because they allow me to live out my dream life and allow me to do things that I could never do in real life. It's why I love games like ruler of kings so much because it lets me live a much more interesting life in the fantasy world than I ever could even think of living in real life. So in answer to the question, it's not a single game that made me addicted, but the whole gaming concept because with all of the wonderful things they can do with audio today, you really feel as though you're actually there. I know of virtual worlds and games that I would absolutely love to live in and play if only I had the vision to play them. The game Star citizen for example? Do you want to know how fast I would digitize myself so I could live inside that world if only the technology were there to do such a thing? I mean I'd be there like that. Well my friends, have a wonderful day. I'm having fun commenting on these different forums. I never thought I would say that but it's true.
Anarchy Online, a cyberpunk MMORPG with a particularly complex character advancement system.
Ironically enough, it wasn't the game itself that got me in trouble, it was getting involved in the volunteer game master program they had. Players could sign up as an ARK member to handle certain levels of support problems of other players, and get certain perks in return, such as playing the game for free.
Well I can say that I had a pretty normal and casual relationship with video games right up until I was I think 12 years old and I played this game from Square Soft (A company now known as Square Enix) called "Xenogears". Xenogears was the first game where I was so hooked on it that I actually ignored my bed time even on a school day which ended up causing me to go to school with no sleep and my mom yelling at me because she woke up to get ready for work and found me still playing video games since the previous night *laugh*. Xenogears is probably the game that really caused me to consider myself an Role-playing Game gamer. Xenogears was my Role-playing Game gateway drug, from that game I spanned into more video game Role-playing Game's and eventually ended up doing table top Role-playing Game's. Yeah it's backwards but welcome to the life of a millennial .
All of the Elder Scrolls games, especially Skyrim. I spent about an hour on my first character just working on looks. I love the Dunmer and Khajit races. The Khajit's bonus to sneak and night vision are huge for my stealth based style.
Old school runescape. I still to this day struggle with managing playing and other activities that would be considered prosocial.