I find the lack of new content from even the most established and respectable game creators to be a bit unsettling. Is it right for the blame to be passed on to those who are contented with remastered creations, or is it a valid proposition for us to at the very least demand something fresh from our respected friends in the field?
I think there is a bigger problem going on in the gaming industry, which takes the blame away from people who are content with remasters. I agree that some fresh ideas and content are needed, and feel that remasters are sometimes just a way to divert attention from this fact.
I feel there is room for both, but companies can be criticized for not taking more risks and creating new IPs. Relying so heavily on already established IPs and franchises. Though I have seen such, just not often from A games or companies, but from the retro and indie game markets.
Including games like Spiritfarer, where the main character Stella becomes a "Spiritfarer", whose job is to ferry spirits of the deceased to the afterlife. Described as 'an indie management sim and sandbox action game', the real strength is in the characters and how emotional the game can get. Including, among other characters an old hedgehog with dementia, which has led many who have played the game to cry.
I don't mind playing remasters though I wish they would expand it even more and I would say the same with the fresh games of today. I wish they would give it some more love rather than treating it like a product.