Blind People Aren't That Different From The Sighted

Blind People Aren' T Sighted - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 28th Sep, 2021 - 11:13pm

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Post Date: 18th Jun, 2018 - 2:35pm / Post ID: #

Blind People Aren't That Different From The Sighted
A Friend

Blind People Aren't That Different From The Sighted

Hello everyone, I thought I would create this thread to discuss the totally blind and to help explain how we're really not that different from our sighted counterparts. The only difference between us is that our eyes don't work as well or at all depending on the case and degree of blindness. I'm also going to open up the floor for questions about blindness and about how we function as blind people in the world and live our everyday lives. I'm going to do my small part to help to educate the public on what it really means to be blind. For example, contrary to popular belief, just because we're blind, that does not mean that we are less mentally capable than the rest of the world. We're not stupid at all. We've all got differing levels of intelligence from one end of the spectrum to the other and we're able to do any sort of job we wish as long as we have the appropriate training and equipment. I've even heard of blind engineers and yes, even blind doctors. Read the book, the blind doctor, the Jacob Boloton story and you'll see what I mean. It's a completely true story too by the way. Also, we're also fully capable of traveling independently and thoroughly enjoying ourselves which is why I'm extremely looking forward to the autonomous vehicles comeing to fruition as you can read in my topic, fully autonomous vehicles and the totally blind, and we're also fully capable of living by ourselves independently as well regardless of what the public perception might be. And now, I'd like to open up the floor for questions if anyone has them. You get to ask a blind guy anything you want *laugh*. As you can clearly see, I make no bones about my blindness and I'm also not afraid to use the words look watch and see because if you really think about it, we are looking watching and seeing, we just use our hands and other senses rather than our eyes.

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Post Date: 19th Jun, 2018 - 11:47am / Post ID: #

Blind People Aren't That Different From The Sighted
A Friend

Sighted From That Arent People Blind

Hey there guys, karate here again with some more on the topic of how we the blind are not that different from our sighted counterparts. We have all manner of talents and abilities just as our sighted counterparts do and we have our own interests as well again, just as our sighted counterparts have. Some blind people like me, absolutely love computer and video games but then others just really aren't into video games and would rather read a good book. I will admit that I too love a good book but the key word there is good. It has to be something that catches and holds my interest for me to actually finish the book. Still other blind people love to garden and grow things. I would personally love to give container gardening another shot and hopefully this time, do it correctly and grow something that actually looks like it's supposed to rather than being deformed. And finally, still other blind people enjoy the hobby of knitting. Me personally? No thanks, that wagon has passed me by and I have absolutely no interest in learning that craft but I do know of folks who have had great success with knitting and love doing it. I'm not one of them. Please bare in mind that this is only a very small sampling of the skills abilities and talents that blind people can have and it is by no means a conclusive list. I challenge you to go out and meet a blind man or woman, or even a blind child and just sit down and talk with them about the things they enjoy doing for fun or for work if they're able to find it. You'll be very pleasantly surprised by what they tell you. I hope this thread is doing what it was made for, to educate you, the public on what it truly means to be blind and I sincerely hope that it doesn't frighten you away from meeting blind people or getting to know someone who is blind because we can actually be lots of fun. And again, this thread is all about asking questions so please feel very free to ask any question you wish. There is absolutely no such thing as a stupid question. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

28th Sep, 2021 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Blind People Aren't That Different From The Sighted Health & Special Psychology

Hello my friend there is a lot that we can do. I like to read and knit and sing. We really like to make new friends. Being blind has not stopped us from doing what we want. We should not be treated abnormal because of our blindness.

> TOPIC: Blind People Aren't That Different From The Sighted


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