Mysterious Person at the Tavern
Usually, I would go to the tavern to have a meal and drink but today I was stopped from doing that by a cloaked figure that blocked my path. First thing I was thinking was combat but then he told me he was there on business. He called me by my name and seemed to have a general knowledge about me. I asked if he was following me and he concurred that I was being watched by people interested in reaching my goal. I was impressed and yet a bit concerned by all this news. He said he had a gift for me and I now wait to see what it will be.
Today, I have purchased one of the wooden abodes offered by the Town Builders. Outside the main door of my abode is a wooden plaque that reads, "The Home of Bladur the Fighter".
Reflections On Your Mother
My mother was the saint of a woman who gave her own life for her son. I aspire to be like her in will and determination and it is this drive that keeps on the path to be the future Ruler of Kings. I hope by doing so she can look down on me kindly and shower her blessings so I can survive what I have to do in order to reach there.