Dnarion - that was the name my Father chose for me at birth; though he was not present when the appointed time came. The Wanderer seems the best way to describe me; for I sense I will travel much in search of the destiny my beloved Mother has left for me. I suppose someone will want to know more of my time in this world, and thus I include the first of my entries into this book so given to me.
Over these past sixteen years - I have grown rather tall: standing at 6' 3", and thanks to my hard work - my body is fairly trim with good muscle tone. I acquired my Mother's scarlet curly hair which I have kept shoulder length and tied back by a green sash, but my emerald green eyes I apparently got from my Father… a bit more narrow than the few I have seen around me. Overall, my skin tends to be rather fair - despite having worked outside at various chores and lessons. I would personally view myself as rather ordinary in appearance - though I have been told I am rather handsome according to a couple of the flower girls at my banquet. I suppose such is possible, but having seen so few of my fellow men - it is hard to judge if this be truth.
My Mother told me to learn all I could, and to be wise. I remember her quoting Tzu, but I am still learning who I am. I suppose that is the best thing in all honesty; for we continue to change and grow throughout our lives, and mine is just barely beginning. Honor, goodness, to aid those around me as I rise to power, and seeking something greater than just power and glory for myself… these are the things I seek. Ah, but the path - which to choose! A paladin seems the best thought, but I have not yet had the training which would allow me to be numbered among such people. Naive though I am - I know I have not the skill or connections yet to be called such - though such be my desire. A paladin, I believe, can better unite the smaller realms into a whole kingdom. Thus, I believe my first task is to seek such a chance to train and learn from those who serve with blade as well as soul.
As such, alliances will be necessary. I am not so foolish to believe I can do this on my own. So, I find myself sitting here thinking of where I can go in this town to find those who could teach me what I wish. Perhaps there is a temple here, or a training academy where I can enlist and learn the ways of becoming a paladin. I know this much - I cannot simply sit around here all day, but neither can I move hastily. Indecision will paralyze me. So, I believe I will explore the town soon after a brief meal here at the tavern. My stomach is rumbling in agreement on this idea. I doubt vagabonds are well received here, and finding a place for myself should certainly be a short-term goal for the immediate future. Perhaps if I find what I seek here for my training - I will have such a place to stay. Working hard certainly is nothing I am not use to… both in mind and soul.
Ah, but what skills do I have that I could use as a reference for that which I seek. Sure, my Mother's tutors taught me how to use a short sword from the time I was eight, but other than the few bouts I have had with those nearby - I have never seen true combat. I may know the training as well as one can from a private tutor, but I lack the experience. The same can be said for using a bow - though at least I know I can hunt and hit the mark about half the time. It was necessary to do so in order to keep food on the table for me and my beloved Mother. Having an open mind to the goodness of others should help me in obtaining entry to such training, but only Time will tell there. I did not forsake my scholar training; though it is perhaps less than my Mother wished - for I was more into training my body and soul than reaching for knowledge and lore locked in scrolls and books. Still, I can write and read well enough, and perhaps these will further aid me. My tutor for military tactics was something I enjoyed immensely. I can't count the number of scenarios, battles, and such the old man and I went over. Of course, I have never had the true chance to put such things into practice, but at least the knowledge is there. I suppose it will be up to those I seek to see if I am worthy.
To be a King… to unite the smaller realms… I must be ready. Being kind to others will certainly help, because a King is nothing without the support of the people. Aiding those around who are without hope can only further help to make appropriate alliances in my rise to power as I seek to bring some measure of peace and prosperity back to the land. On this, more there is to think and learn; for the ways of this world are still strange to me.
On the subject of women - I am even less knowledgable about than I would like. Though at least my Mother taught me to dance some enough for court should I ever be in such high company, and Kayla - one of the flower girls - taught me how to dance less formally. So, at least I won't look like a fool when such a moment comes - if it comes. I find I have a rather romantic heart, but I have yet to find any I really feel true affection for. Oh, I have been attracted to the very few girls my age that have come about, but none of them have touched my mind and soul as I have imagined. No doubt, I will learn more of what I seek here in a Companion for Eternity, but for the moment my stomach continues to alert me to my hunger. I do believe in eternal courtship… not simply something that ends after one has been married. It is something my Mother instilled in me, and I find it matches my heart well.
And so, here in this tavern where I shall soon eat and learn of my surroundings - my path has begun. It is a curious start, but one must start somewhere. What is to come… only Time knows for sure…
Advisor Description
I had not seen Arthalion since my feast the night everything seemed to change. He was a captain of some renown, and a paladin as well. Yet, shortly after I had left my family dwelling - I had noticed someone following me at a discreet distance. It was not until I had reached the Town's outskirts that Arthalion made his presence known to me. We had barely spoken at the feast of my coming of age, but now he rode up on his deep chestnut warhorse with his chainmail shinning in the sunlight. At his left hip sat a longsword with an emerald in the pommel of a dragon's claw, and his cloak was as white as any snow I had ever seen. Indeed, I was a bit surprised to find his hair and eyes were much like my own - scarlet and emerald. It occurred to me that Arthalion might be related to me - perhaps an Uncle I had not known about. In any case, I soon found him dismounting, and approaching me with a friendly smile - though his emerald eyes were piercing as if he were appraising my very soul. I confess - I was rather curious as to why this man had followed me, and chose now to make his presence known.
It was not an awkward meeting - to be honest, but I was unsure what to say when he bowed and formally introduced himself to me. After all, who was I to have a Captain and paladin bow to me? I knew of my Mother's aspirations for me, and I wished to follow them, but Arthalion's attitude made me wonder at my true origins and background. What could Arthalion give to me in aid for the path I wished to take? Could he perhaps help me gain entry to the training grounds or temple to begin my life as a paladin? Perhaps he could even take me as a squire, so I might better learn how to be of service to others. For in my eyes, a King was not just a ruler, but the one who served the people of the land by aiding them. Sure, he must learn to command, but what good was it to give royal commands if the citizens did not respect or believe in you?
Even before he speaks further there on the outskirts of town - I sense something between us. There is a hope in his emerald eyes I had not seen since in the presence of my Mother. Was it possible he saw within me the same hope she had? Was it just possible Arthalion cared about my wellbeing… even my future? And, so it was, I waited to see what my Captain Arthalion would do and say now that he had made his presence known… for there he stood now facing me with his arms crossed over his chest.
Reflections on your mother
The Dream Whisper spoke again this time to me as I was falling asleep, and she has bidden me to write on the reflections of my beloved Mother.
I sense such would indeed be a good thing. After all, one of the best ways to know more of who I am is to know who I come from. Her name was Alhandra, and she was perhaps the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Not just for her fair skin, height, and divine waves of scarlet curls, but for the spirit and heart she had to the very end. She was wise, and her words were often of those trying to guide me on a path she saw in my future. I suppose all parents are that way in some fashion or another, but from my beloved Mother - it felt more like a destiny she was sure was ahead of me. In this particular case, her desire was for me to learn and grow enough to unite the smaller realms under one King - me. I remember her always encouraging me to be fit of mind, body, and soul… the latter seemed just as important to her as the rest… if not more so. One of the things she made mention to me when I was only twelve was how she hoped I would take the path of a paladin.
"The realms are torn to shreds by war and strife, and there is no unifying force to unite them against the growing darkness which plagues us all. Be the Ruler of Kings, My Son, but know this - a paladin has a better chance of succeeding than any other, I believe. For in serving others - you show you are willing to help, and the people will know you are not simply rising to power for your own glory."
Those words have never left me since that particular day, and the dream of becoming a paladin rests within my soul. It was, of course, not just lessons of duty and encouraging me to grow for the destiny she saw ahead of me. Alhandra taught me also how to dance at court. In her eyes, such lessons were nearly as important as staying fit in other ways. The ability to dance in such a setting was her way of making sure I was not a clumsy fool. She wanted me to learn the graces of such things in order for me to also better dance with the maidens I might come across… and to understand better what was unspoken during a dance. I suppose those were my first lessons on court intrigue - though I have not yet had the chance to put such into practice.
I love her very much - even now when she is no more save the most pleasant of memories in my heart and mind. Everything I do - it will be for her and the future she saw for me. I do wonder about Arthalion - the paladin advisor I met earlier this day. Was he Alhandra's brother that I never knew about? Had he come to me as a promise to his sister?
The day she left me was after my coming of age banquet. I remember feeling lost and broken of heart to find her gone… slain by some strange disease when she had always been so strong. It took me two full days of mourning before I could even begin to think of food and rest, and while a part of me had no desire to sell her estate… I saw no reason to stay. I could not do as my Mother wished if I remained.
Yet, who was Alhandra that she could wish for such a destiny for me, her son? Was she nobility in hiding? Royalty even? Where had she come from? How had she met Captain Dalen, my Father? Where did they get married? To all of this, I have no answers as yet, but perhaps I will learn more of my beloved Mother as I seek to do what she has laid before me.
Dnarion the Wanderer is raised. I, Dnarion, have died but am alive again! I awoke again for the 1st time. I am astonished by it. I felt like it was a bedtime story. I shall object in mind for better.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
The Beauty of Lake Fluke
Many have come to thy place,
Just to see thy divine face.
Yet thou art beautiful in truth,
And sweeter than any child's tooth.
Sapphires gleam within thy eyes,
Enough to break any lover's ties.
Gardens envy the wondrous hair,
Vibrant green and gorgeously fair.
Rubies know not what they miss,
Until thy lips have given a kiss.
Purple suits thee well and true,
Thy heart filled with a lovely brew.
Ears that listen to those in need,
Thus this poem for my deed.
To charm a woman precious fair,
With gentle heart that doth care.
Most beautiful lady of Dnarion
I confess - I was stunned. It was as if I had seen the Goddess of Love; for never even in my wildest dreams had I thought such beauty in the world existed. My Mother, Alhandra, was a beautiful woman, but this woman who passed me had a divine beauty about her I could never fully describe even if I had all of the languages of the world at my command. She was simply exquisite! My heart had never raced so fast or so freely as when she smiled at me. Her beauty and sensuality was enough to likely melt the entire frozen north if she so desired! Scarlet hair like my own, but with ringlets of curls in a perfect design that bewildered the mind and soul… reaching down just past her shoulders. There was no decoration in her mane of red; for none was needed for one such as she. Eyes… eyes that could pierce the heart faster and better than any wicked arrow or sword! I know! I have been slain twice, and yet I feel as if I should be slain again for seeing such beauty! Such perfect emerald eyes - far more clear and divine than my own simple emerald orbs. Oh how she was tall and graceful! There were tall warriors who were not as tall as she was, and yet no movement was wasted… all was grace… every step… every gesture! The emerald gown she wore fit to her figure as if it was made for her alone, and it complimented her eyes to pure perfection. She was not overly slender, but she certainly was not overweight: a perfect combination in all the right areas of her body. Perhaps the Creator was showing off when He created such a woman; for her skin was as fair and smooth as any I had ever seen - not pale, but fair all the same.
Yet, there was modesty about her… which I think stunned me the most. The barest hint of cleavage showed from the gown she wore, and not the slightest bit of her legs showed as she moved. This gave her a classic pure feel to her; though I certainly could not judge her based solely on her clothing. Jewelry she wore little of. On her right hand was a ring that I was sure was made of something better than silver; though it had that look to it. The ring itself had some intricate woven pattern I could not see, but then - my eyes were focused more on the rest of her than the ring itself. Hanging around her neck was slender medallion made of the same silvery material as the ring, but I again could not see what was on it. What did catch my attention was two other things that made me just look at her with wonder and delight. The way she walked - there was a definitive grace to her walk, but something deadly as well. It was as if she could turn from a dancer into a warrior with a mere thought, and she was armed. Oh, yes, this woman was armed, for I had noticed the slightest of bulges in her left sleeve - a sleek dagger likely stashed there for protection. Considering how she moved - I had no doubts she knew how to use it.
Yet, what was she other than the most divinely gorgeous woman in all the world? Royalty? Without an escort - that seemed unlikely. Nobility? Perhaps, but obviously one use to taking care of herself is so. Assassin? Who could say? Her easy steps might have made her one, but I certainly had no way of knowing. For all I knew, she could have been a paladin simply without her armor and gear - out for a stroll on some errand she needed not such things for. Whoever she was - I sincerely hoped to see her again; though when I am more worthy of such a woman. Currently - I doubt she would give me more than a passing glance again, and I could not blame her.
Reflections on your father
She has come to me again: The Dream Whisper, and this time she bids me write of my Father, Captain Dalen. Yet, what is there to say of one I barely know; though I wish to know more than I currently have of him. Captain Dalen is a paladin - that much I know, and it was he who left instructions with his beloved wife, Alhandra, that I should be named Dnarion. He commands a troop of heavy cavalry for the defense of the area, and has been victorious in many battles. From what little I have gathered of him - he is well respected, and his soldiers are glad to serve him. Yet, what else is there to know of my Father? Certainly there is more to him than this…
Perhaps there is. I saw him rarely, for he was often off on some campaign for his deity or commander - neither of which I know. Yet, the very few times I saw him - three in all my life; I remember his eyes being like my own. For where I got my scarlet hair from my Mother; my emerald orbs came from him. He might also be one of the reasons I wish to be a paladin; though such a desire mainly came from my Mother. For on the three times he visited; Captain Dalen was arrayed in the most exquisite silvery chainmail. I remember clearly him riding up on a white charger with his lance carrying the colors of my Mother: sapphire blue with a silver falcon. I had never seen such a warrior before that day, and the image still is burned deep in my mind and heart. Yes, I wanted to be like him in this respect: to serve the cause of good, have such armor and horse and weapons… to have such loyal troops, and to have such a beautiful and wondrous wife.
Yet, I do not think I would like to be gone so long from my beloved family. No… no, I don't think I would want to be like him in that respect. Though my Mother was clearly capable of taking care of herself - I know she missed him deeply. I know I did. Where would my skills be now if he had been there to personally teach me? Would my swordsmanship be better? Perhaps I might not have died twice while trying to carry out the deeds I was charged with from Alana.
I do hope he is well. I don't even know if he is aware of Mother's death as yet. He wasn't there for my coming of age banquet, and he missed her funeral as well. I kind of feel sad for him - to come back to the estate and find it empty and sold, his wife in the ground cold, and his son having left. Perhaps we will meet one day, but only Time will know if that will happen.