I stumbled upon the site on Role-playing Game Directory in the Medievalesque/Hisorical Fantasy Role-playing Games section. I have been looking for a place to write since the last site I was on closed down, and I've been trying and failing to find something that catches my eye. I'm hoping that this might be it. I have an abundance of free time at the moment, and often find myself going stir crazy without an outlet. I'm hoping to become a member here.
Welcome to Ruler of Kings 2(ROK II)
Thy next favorite Text Adventure Game is awaiting thee. To begin thy adventure seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game Start.
If ye be needing additional Role-playing Games with which to broaden thy reach then thou mayest read: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? where thou mayest play Dungeons & Dragons with other Players.
If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy Introduction.