My Next Medieval Adventure
After doing an easy challenge at the tavern I decided to take up a short adventure of sorts. This involved paying a servant to make some inquires. He was successful and put me in touch with a dwarf who can be described as having bulging eyes, dark purple hair, and an excited body. His nervousness made me anxious at time as though he had something to hide. He had a stash a loot but was probably too afraid to recover it. Being a person of the law I was apprehensive but he explained why it was there and how it was to be retrieved. Most of all his explanation of why he could not do it himself seemed genuine.
Adventure Entry
I set off on the adventure and almost immediately I confronted with a situation in which I had to dive into a pool of water in order to enter a secret cave but I just could not handle it I had not the skill nor the breathing apparatus to make it happen. I will need to return to the town and seek some advice.
The Most Important Spell
The most important spell for me is the one I do not know because if I need a certain spell at a certain time and cannot access it then that has automatically become the most important spell. Considering the lack of magick in my life I can tell you that the list will be long.
My Next Medieval Adventure
It was merely a need to better outfit my growing armies that I decided to take a quest for gold from an underground mine. Apparently, the dwarf that hired me had grown too old to take the journey himself and felt that I could be trusted to return with what he felt was due to him. So here I am, off to find this lost treasure and whatever it is that blocks me from getting it.
The Most Important Skill
I believe the most important skill I have or need to fully develop is patience. Probably the Dream Whisper thought I might say "sword specialization" or something like that but it is patience that allows me to wait for the right time to do things. For me patience is the most important skill in this world.
My Next Medieval Adventure
A hard working woman hired me today. She wants to escape her abusive husband and decided to capitalize on a stash of gold he stole from her. Although she knew where it was she was too afraid to go and get it herself. This is where I come in.