If gold were plentiful I would
Having just seen a resurrection I definitely wish that I had lots of gold to get the kind of elixirs I need during combat. Having lots of gold will enable me to have the items, equipment and skill to stay alive. For not I am learning to manage on a meager income.
Message to Advisor
Helena, attempting to get many things done has cause me to stretch myself thing and I ended up in the jail for a period. Luckily I had certain resources at hand to get me out but I need to watch how I spend my gold otherwise I will be in that dark cold place again and it wasn't any fun.
My conspiracy theory
A conspiracy theory I have is that there is a deeper power at play in the kingdom. I feel that the monarchy are really more than just humans and the people they appoint have diabolical plans. I cannot prove my theory yet but I am working towards it.
Understanding the hidden message in The Town
The Dream Whisper said I needed to write about a hidden message but I was not aware that there was one. Perhaps I should listen closer to the people I talk to while in the town or perhaps the message is for me. It is all riddles to me unless explained.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
A well poised but solemn looking young man approached me when I entered the Tavern in the Town. He extended his hand, told me his name, and said he had good news for me. "Good news" from a stranger is suspicious to me so I said, "Oh? What have you?" to which he surprised me saying that he was sent to give me an endowment by someone is interesting in my becoming Ruler of Kings. I said, "Me? Who is that?" but he would not say and asked to sit by a table and talk so I obliged but only because I could use a good break right around now… so I listened and agreed.
Strangest person in the Town
Lady Fluke is the embodiment of strange. Not only does she seem to be unable to be straight about what she does and her real purpose but she also does not mind to subject you to the embarrassment of the Town and death of her dungeons. Maybe she is not strange but just evil… keeping you alive and using teasers to lure you to your own fall.