Message to Advisor
I recently heard the conquests over armies by someone I know not personally and I have to admit that it made me a bit jealous. I should be there already, but I am not. I am maybe being a little too careful but I do value my life.
Message to Advisor
I was in Anglesey trying to learn in one of the guilds but ran out of gold so now I am returning to Anglesey to regain some before heading back. While in the Town I will meet with you and we can talk, sounds good?
Message to Advisor
I encountered an odd fellow who thought to persuade me to follow him in order to get some gold. I felt it was a trick and decided to ignore his offer. I notice I do get some strange encounters at times, do you think I look like an easy target?
Message to Advisor
I've done some training in AngleseyAnglesey that makes me feel better prepared for the patrols in Llafair so I am heading back there now to begin. Other than that I am still set on my goal and nothing has changed.
Hole In Meh Bucket Burlesque Competition
I entered a strange contest that involved a costume of a chicken, eggs and being made the object of laughs for a small crows at the palace of Lady Fluke. Luckily I didn't have to put up with too my h and won the competition so I could gain some extra pretty pebbles for my pursuits.
Wish I could change this about myself
What I wish to change about myself I am already in the process of changing. My skills needs to be improved as I only know a few but it is a lengthy process and costs a lot of gold so I can only go so fast. Still, I am not waiting but doing many things in the mean time that also changes my person so soon I will see a 'new' me.