I was sitting in my grandma's hospital room this morning watching Good Morning America and saw this story about how lack of sleep could be a determining factor in gaining weight. This kind of blew me away. I'm not a person who's really obsessed with my weight or anything, but this is definitely one diet I would love to commit to!
I am in agreement with that and have long noticed that when I get a full long sleep I actually wake up with less weight and more strength. Obviously by getting more rest your body is able to assimilate, get rid of waste and repair muscles more than if you starve your body which I seem to do often .
The experiment they did really doesn't show much. It takes already fat people and show that they're also not sleeping well. But it isn't known which one is the cause of the other. To really be sure sleaplessness is the cause, they will need to take thin people and deprive them of sleep, and see if they grow fat. I wonder who will want to be part of that experiment.
I can sort of testify to it. I'm not particularly skinny, but I'm not "fat" either. I have noticed, after living in a dorm for a year and a half, that I don't get as much sleep. Because I don't get much sleep, I have more of an inclination to eat because I'm up more. I just seemed a lot more hungry. Now, I didn't gain weight, I lost it. But that more in conjuction with the fact that our cafeteria isn't even suitable for pigs to eat out of, so I was mostly going hungry.
Sleep loss affects your waistline. Sleep loss increases the risk of obesity through a combination of effects on energy metabolism. This research will highlight how disrupted sleep patterns, a common feature of modern living, can predispose to weight gain, by affecting people’s appetite and responses to food and exercise. Ref. Source 5s.