I used to really like this character as a kid, but I could never understand the colors of his costume as Neo pointed out. Blue and red? I know that it has to do with him once being a wrestler, but I mean, you can change your wardrobe right? I guess black does not appeal to the reading audience?
I think black is more depictive of the nemesis in superhero cartoons. Traditionally, the superheroes have bright colors, like superman, spiderman, the flash, etc. The villains are the ones for the dark colors. I personally like spiderman, he was strong, and agile and had the 'spidy' sense.
Yes it was an exotic spider, but I dont think it was brightly colored, at least not in the comic book from what I can remember. I believe that was an embellishment they made for the movie.
As I understand it, the original colors of the costume as Ditko drew it were red and black with blue used as the highlights. At some point the blue highlights became more predominant until it was gradually changed to a red and blue costume. The costume design works for me, I love it. Also remember, in the comic Peter originally designed the costume to perform in. In Amazing Fantasy #15 he earned money to help Aunt May and Uncle Ben by performing on local television shows as The Amazing Spider-Man.
Now don't take this the wrong way, but I truly believe that the only reason any of the old comic book heros have any of the appeal that they do now is because retro is now a fashion statement or a way for people to separate from others yet still draw attention to themselves. I truly believe that there are some genuinely passionate people that love their old time super-heros, I know this because I am one of them. But half of the people claiming to have the slightest fondness of them are probably lying. And yes, spider-does rock my socks. he is truly one of the best accidental super-heros.