Hillsdale College
How good is the educational institution known as Hillsdale College?
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Reviewing Hillsdale College will help prospective students make informed decisions. Staff of Hillsdale College are welcomed to give input here also.
In a recent survey, an astounding 47 percent of college graduates did not even know that U.S. Senators are elected to 6-year terms and U.S. Representatives to 2-year terms. This is alarming, but perhaps not surprising.
For many decades, our K-12 schools and universities have failed to teach young Americans the basics of American history and government, including basic knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. This poses a danger to the future of free government, and is one of the chief reasons Hillsdale College has extended its educational mission nationwide.
Part of that outreach is an ongoing series of free online courses on topics like American history and the Constitution. We are excited about our newest free online course, which is called “Congress: How It Worked and Why It Doesn’t.” -- Larry P. Arnn.