Indo-trinidadian / Canadians Foreigners

Indo-trinidadian / Canadians Foreigners - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 24th Aug, 2008 - 5:07pm

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Post Date: 23rd Aug, 2008 - 2:45pm / Post ID: #

Indo-trinidadian / Canadians Foreigners

Name: Annon

Comments: I grew up in T&T, spent the first 10 years of my life there. I live in Toronto now but the handful of times I've visited as a teen I was kept far from T&T's night life. The times I have gone out, my family was pretty protective of me. I'm curious about how Indo-Trinidadian/Canadians Foreigners are received by women in T&T? I saw a few thread about foreigners, I'm not sure if that applies to me.

I'm 20, financially stable, I work as an Accounting Assistant, my uncle is the CFO of the company. I'm a third year university student and an anthropology major. Oh and when it comes to looks I'm not bad. So I'm not a bad catch for my age. I've had my share of girlfriends, but in my experience I find my self leaning towards west indians and more towards Trinidadian women. So I'm curious about the unknown.

I have this belief or at least have been told, they should flock to me... or am I being misled? And my original question was; I'm curious about how Indo-Trinidadian/Canadians Foreigners are received by women in T&T?

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23rd Aug, 2008 - 3:52pm / Post ID: #

Foreigners Canadians Indo-trinidadian

I don't see why it should be a problem really.

I'm also a foreigner to T&T and I find that people here generally are friendly and have little problem with outsiders.

23rd Aug, 2008 - 4:08pm / Post ID: #

Indo-trinidadian / Canadians Foreigners Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Annon, I am not sure if I understand. Are you a Trinidadian? You lived here until you was 10, did you born here? What's your ethnicity? If so, I fail to see why you ask how Indo-Trinidians are perceived when half of the population is from that ethnicity. spock.gif Please explain, thanks.

In any case, if you are an East Indian or African descendant foreigner it won't make a big difference to the people since they will think you're a Trini because of the way you look. It is only when you speak and may have an accent they will realize you're not from here BUT since Trinis like to copycat you will find many Trinis with "accents" as well. *laughs*

About women, it all depends on the class circle you will be hanging out with.

24th Aug, 2008 - 5:07pm / Post ID: #

Foreigners Canadians Indo-trinidadian

To answer the original question. That is like asking how do Trini women like vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Everyone has a flavor, I have mine and others have theirs. You will have to ask each one of us how we like you the person and not your heritage or your passport.

> TOPIC: Indo-trinidadian / Canadians Foreigners


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