I am Argona and I was given this name because in the distant past, one of my ancestors was called Argona, and he was a fearless warrior, defeating all who opposed him. Thus, my father thought that this name would suit me well, he imagined that I would be the same fearless fighter as my ancestor was, helping the people win the wars. Or at least, my mother told me so, may the gods help her soul to rest.
I am known as the mighty because once I lifted a large and heavy piece of wood off of a goat in my village, people started to call me Argona the mighty after that.
I stand exactly 6 feet tall, with great muscles on my arms and legs, capable of doing tremendous harm to those who oppose, or greatly helping those who ask my help in physical matters. My hair is cropped to not hinder me in physical tasks, sometimes long hair gets in the way. It is blonde in color. My eyes are piercing green, gazing fiercely about, constantly looking for danger. They are small for a norma human. My scars from a brawl which went wrong makes me unique.
I see myself one who follows the way of the warrior. I want to become a proper soldier by starting battle training as soon as possible. I gerenaly view alliances as a way to further my goals. I intend to battle everything and everyone who stand in my way to become the next ruler of kings.
It should be known that I don't make friends easily, but if you become my friend, you'll have my support as long as I live.
Now, I step on to the path to victory!.
Advisor Description
As I was walking through the town looking for a place to further my knowledge of the art of combat, I felt that someone is watching me. Luckily, I am aware of my surroundings even if my thoughts wander. I spun on my heels towards the person. My blood froze as I saw a tall man, clad in shining plate armor, wielding a sword. On the armor I saw a captains insignia. The person was mildly surprised when I confronted him with a "Sir, may I inquire about why are you folloving me throughout this town?"
"I were appointed by your father whom I served under to help you on your way, when he got news that your mother, may the gods put her soul to rest, passed away. My name is captain Wadar, I am under your father, who is a respected commander of armies by now." He answered in calm, composed sentences in an authoritative, deep voice.
My first question was of course "Can I meet my father, captain?" which he answered with a no, stating that he was on a dangerous mission, leading the armies deep in to the unknown.
The conversation shifted to the art of leadership and combat, which he eagerly began to teach me as we walked through the streets.
I think this will be a fruitful leadership, he has much to teach me, and I am eager to learn.
I hope he sees me as a worthy candidate for his knowledge.
Reflections on your mother
I just dreamt about my mother. Before she passed away, she was the one person who I could look up to, because my father was in war constantly. Once, when I was little, she called me over and said: "Argona, I must speak to thee." Her eyes, black as the night, bore into mine. "You must understand thine path in life. I saw a prophecy after your birth, which saith. A child with the name of Argona will rise to be the ruler of kings. I must say, I am not sure if this child is you, or even if its related to our family, but when your father gave the name of Argona to you because of our ancestor, and the next day, I saw the prophecy, I took a vow. When you will be five years old, I'll tell you what I saw, because you need to know this to make it true, if you are destined to be the next ruler of kings, you need to work hard. She placed a kiss on my cheek and sent me away to play. I pondered a lot on this event since then. Maybe she was right.