Just added this article: Text Adventures Require More Thinking to the TextRPG.com Blog about the way one should play a Text Adventure like ROK II.
Thinking Required For A Text Adventure (Hover)
I loved the article JB. It is so true. In most Role-playing Game's all the work is done for you. No imagination necessary to "See" the world. It's the same comparison as between reading a novel and watching the movie version of the novel. The novel requires you to visualize what you are reading about unlike the movie. I almost always enjoy the book over the movie *smile*
ROK2 definitely requires attention to be paid to the smallest detail. That amount of detail isn't present in a non text based Role-playing Game.
I agree completely. I can't tell you how many times I've left games because the game master couldn't dialogue or was bland and unimaginative. I enjoy having my creativity pushed and sourced for world building purposes. It makes the player develop a real connection to their story and that of the world they are helping create.
This has been a hard adjustment from the couple of mobile choose your own adventure games by Choice of Games that I tried before this. I believe it’s for the better though. Like others mentioned, the challenge keeps you attached.
I like this game but I know some who wouldn't so I did not even bother to tell them. Its weird how people view games now… before the challenge of thinking would have been really fun now they don't want any challenge just point and kill.
Thinking you say? That is a foreign word these days. People want everything done for them with one click that includes completing all levels in the dungeon, killing the boss monster and gaining the treasure. I honestly don't know how they see anything fun in that.
That thinking aspect of ROKII is one of the things that make me really like this game and also to find it one of the hardest games I've ever played (Which is not a bad thing at all, on the contrary, I love it).
The imagination aspect is also so important to me. It's easy to get tired of games where everything is mostly "Pre-decided" for you.
That is so true. I really like the game too. It makes me think. It keeps me here for a long time and never get tired of it. Thank you for the game game master. You really put a lot of thinking into the game.