On the 25th day of in the month of September in year of our Lord 520 AD, General Margo, under the command of Krusten the Queen did use brave men against the Enemy forces of a Goblin Army that was 2099 Goblins strong and came out victorious!
On the 26th day of in the month of September in year of our Lord 520 AD, General Lilac, under the command of Krusten the Queen did use brave men against the Enemy forces of a Goblin Army that was 3689 Goblins strong and came out victorious!
On the 27th day of in the month of September in year of our Lord 520 AD, General Maggie, under the command of Krusten the Queen did use brave men against the Enemy forces of a Goblin Army that was 1465 Goblins strong and came out victorious!