In this video Anwar Jibawi makes fun at the extent we go to in order to get what we want even if it means being utterly fake! Have you or someone you have been out with tried very hard to be something they were not in order to win you over?
Being fake is a norm now. Everyone want to impress beyond their means because they think they need to look like someone they've seen on social media. Truth is… you need to be you because lasting relationships are built on honesty not illusions.
Besides that the video is hilarious. I love her hair, so long and straight!
You touched on a good point. People love the fake even if they know its not real they still like the picture it paints in their mind even though logic is telling them this is wrong or it does not fit right.
Depends on how much you are faking it. Do you want the relationship to last? Or is it just a passing relationship?
If it's a short period relationship I think you can fake all the way at some point to will get busted.... Unless you have a multiple personalities disorder.
But if you are looking for a long term relationship I believe faking it won't work - or it depends the thing you faked; how important is that thing you faked to the person you are trying to impress.