I am wondering if you are referring to the light of Christ which fills the universe and is in all things and is the power by which all things were created and by which they exist and how God governs all things. This "light" being in place of the "darkness". And when Satan is cast into outer Darkness, he will be sent to a place void of the Light of Christ. As this light of Christ is the "Power" of the universe, Satan in outer darkness will not have the "power" or energy needed to survive. So he will slowly begin to fall apart into his most basic components of matter. To prevent this he will steal, suck or take the "power", life or energy of those around him. In a sense, eating them spiritually thereby decreasing their existence and increasing his own until eventually he is doomed to Die or be destroyed in the organization of the spirit body. At which time the intelligences that comprise his spiritual organization are free to resume a progressive path from the beginning just as we all once were, with the hopes of again having/being part of a new spiritual organization in which they will continue to progress with the possibility of being part of a celestial being... etc... |
I try not to offend your profession why do you feel the need to offend mine? Calling my thoughts and ideas "psycho babble" is as offensive to me as it would be if I were to call your ideas "wacko" or "off the wall." I fail to grasp why you are offended at the idea that someone would attack your thoughts and yet you do not hesitate to attack another. You come across as if only your way of thinking can solve the "deep doctrine mysteries." |
Quasar wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about. ...Yes, it is true that I would rather pick my own surroundings (people). That is not really my choice to make and will take more caution on my posts from now on. |
Rather off topic, but... (May be the lack of sleep and cold medicine) |
I just dont like shareing (sic) my thoughts with people that don't think deep. |
Deep Doctrine means doctrine that you personally do not understand. What is deep for me may be basic for you. Some deep Doctrine is essential to our exaltation. For example, the priesthood, Calling and election, the atonement... If these are not deep to you, then they are to others. There are some subjects that seem plane (sic) as day to me that others see as mysteries. And there are other topics that others understand clearly and I seek to learn. |
For me, I think our skin grows thicker by more and more exposure! I know mine has become almost callused some days--which is better for debate than baby soft skin--at least in my opinion! !
I think Quasar that your post was great, as Alskann mentioned the last comment might of been left off, but I also didn't read that as you trying to be offensive to her profession.
Rather off topic, but... If there are any doubts on how much I respect her profession and the need for it, you can go to the Does Depression End At Death thread. |
I didn't know she was in the psychology field. I just read the depression topic and was not trying to be offensive. I am not sorry about my term use of Psycho babble.
I will continue to use the term because I like it and I use it all the time. I don't believe it is a curse word or offensive to any group or religion. Unless you argue that psychology is your religion. If you spend all of your time trying not to offend people and tippy toeing around issues then you may never get your point across.
Please feel free to give me a negative on charm if you like. Doesn't bother me as long as it is a good reason.
Edited: Quasar on 3rd Sep, 2008 - 9:46pm
Yes, exactly what I was trying to say! |
This is a doctrine which is somewhat related to a "re-incarnation" concept of sorts. It has officially "never been authorized" by the Lord to be taught. Not that it isn't true, but that it has not been authorized. |
Would you like to continue to explore the sun concept or anything else related to the topic of this thread? |